
Sequía: Un Desastre Natural La sequía es un fenómeno natural que se caracteriza por la falta de lluvia en una región durante un largo periodo de tiempo. Este desastre natural puede tener

The entire assignment is to be written in Spanish. Not to exceed 2 paragraphs. Only use vocabulary at Spanish 1 & Spanish 2 level. The guidelines are attached. This is not a written paper but a small assignment. Droughts is the natural disaster to use.
Important Info
The order was placed through a short procedure (customer skipped some order details).
Please clarify some paper details before starting to work on the order.
Type of paper and subject
Number of sources and formatting style
Type of service (writing, rewriting, etc)


“Exploring Typical Development in a 4-Week-Old Child: A Case Study of Rio”

Week 3 Child Development Video 
Each of you have been assigned a child to watch and discuss. The assigned child’s video is in Module 3. 
You write up a power point in detail regarding typical development for a child that age and what you observed for your assigned child in each of the following areas: motor, cognition, social and communication. At this age they are communicating soplease in detail in the powerpoint make sure to talk about each skill. You neeed to write was is typical for that child that age in those skills and how he demonstrates. it The videos are of typically developing children, so your notes and developmental tables (Appendix C, Owens text, beginning at page 422) should be helpful.
ASSIGNED: Rio-4 weeks
I have attached the video and i have also attached a powerpoint to better give more info on the skills and other information that is helpful. You can do additional research to know more


Title: Summary Assignment: Exploring Various Topics in Education 100 words Video 1: “A Brief History of Education in America” In this video, the speaker discusses the evolution of education in America, starting from the colonial period to the

Summary Assingment
You will write 6 summarizing paragraphs having a minimum of 100 words each.
Put the word count just above each individual paragraph. ( We’ll count, too)
Each paragraph must explain the main points of each video
Separate each paragraph with TWO SPACES.
Label each paragraph with the name of the video you are summarizing.


“Assessing the Feasibility and Justification of a Study on [Topic] through a Comprehensive Literature Review and Pilot Data Analysis”

Criteria for assessment: Written proposal/study 
• Synthesis of literature – relevance, critique, coherence and cohesion
• Approach, design and analytic procedure in relation to aim – clarity, suitability and
quality of justification (proposal & study); feasibility (proposal); appropriateness of
findings and conclusion (study) 
• Appropriate and accurate use of written academic register and citation and
referencing conventions
• Work submitted is your own independent work
The proposal should be feasible in terms of timeline (4-6 months), data collection (e.g.
availability of participants, accessibility of research site) and analysis (e.g. researcher capacity
and resources). The proposal should demonstrate a need for the research in relation to a
thorough literature review. You can include pilot data analysis which demonstrates the
feasibility of the study/method and from which you may be able to project preliminary
findings which justify your research aim.


Title: “Disrupting Dominant Narratives: A Biliteracy Unit on Counter Narratives for Fourth Grade Students” “Marketing the Ultimate Classroom Tool: The BTPE 5.2” Introduction: In today’s fast-paced and technology-driven world, it is essential for educators to have access to efficient and effective tools that aid in teaching and learning. The BTPE

Authoring a Biliteracy Unit: Counter Narratives: 
What is the Grade Level you are targeting? What is the subject? BTPE: 4.4
Refer to Chapter 4 from pg. 89 on.  What is the dominant narrative you will be disrupting about the Latinx Community? (immigration, anti-Blackness, language, colorism, racial hierarchies, celebrations/traditions, land ownership, naming,  etc.) Explain why you are disrupting this dominant narrative. What is the counter narrative that you want to expose/introduce/unveil for students to understand? See pages 102, 108-111 in Chapter 4 of El Communidad and pgs. 114-115 in Chapter 5. Please root your counter narrative in something historical that has both a dominant narrative and a counter story.   BTPE: 3.4, 3.5, 6.7
What are the major themes of this unit? How will these themes help your future students draw out/dismantle conclusions about the dominant/master narrative and empower the counter narrative? 
Choose a minimum of 3 counter narrative texts to help you build and guide your unit. One of those texts can be a piece of art or music (you can use pages 99 and 103-107 in chapter 4 to help find the curriculum)  Tell me what it is about these pieces that help to tell the counter stories. BTPE: 3.5
Using pages 20-22, 27, 50, 79,118,114 in El Communidad choose 5 translanguaging practices that you will incorporate in your unit. Why do you find these 5 translanguaging practices valuable?  BTPE: 3.2, 3.3,  4.2, 
Provide 3 cultural targets for your unit: 3 language learning targets, and 3 content learning targets. (What do you want students to gain from completing this unit? How will it target the 4 + 1 biliteracy language domains. (Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking, and Metaglinguistic/Metacognitive Awareness). Jose Medina Website (this leads to a lot of articles) BTPE: 1.1, 1.2, 2.5,3.1, 3.5, 4.3, 4.4, 5.1
One example of a lesson- (You can also design the lesson plan as you’d like)  Either way, your lesson must include) 1) Assignment/Activity #1. (Use one of the texts from #4). This text will be used to help students build their understanding of the concepts you want them to understand.  You can make this into a worksheet. This worksheet will be done in one language.  2) Create a 2nd assignment that will be used as a bridge assignment (enter here to watch sample videos of what it looks like to “bridge” across grade levels- if for some reason you can’t log in, use my username and password) . What you create as assignment/activity #1 in target language (Spanish), will help to produce the outcomes in assignment/activity #2 in the other language (English).  Here are video links to make it even easier: Elements of the Bridge, Biliteracy in Middle School, Biliteracy Unit in 2nd Grade-the Bridge, Biliteracy in Action-Kindergarten, Un Puente in Primero BTPE: 3.2, 4.1, 4.4,5.1, 5.2, 
Anchor Chart: Create a document that will represent an anchor chart you will create with your students, which is essentially a chart where words/sentences/phrases/linguistic concepts in both languages are compared so as to help students bridge the two languages.  Anchor charts are a dual language education must.  This is one way to explicitly teach language. Refer to the links entitled bridge assignment, and Teaching For Biliteracy for further details. BTPE: 6.7
Biggest Part of this Assignment: Extension: Create an “extension” unit assignment where students will tell a counter narrative story similar in theme to the pieces of texts you are using in your unit. Then, using any medium they would like, create a BILINGUAL children’s story book, cartoon, comic book, original song, etc.  YOU will then make your own example “to show students”.  (So essentially here, you are keeping with the same counter narrative/new history you would like to retell.  THE MORE CREATIVE YOU ARE WITH IT, THE MORE CREATIVE YOUR STUDENTS WILL BE!!  One example here: Example #1 Pop-Up Book. But you are not limited to do just this.  BTPE: 5.2
Prepare to present the product you made for #9 to the class. You will be turning everything else in paper form or online.. BTPE: 5.2


“Exploring the Relationship Between Social Media Use and Mental Health in Young Adults: A Pilot Study Proposal” Introduction: The use of social media has become increasingly prevalent in our society, particularly among young adults. While social media has its benefits, such as

The proposal should be feasible in terms of timeline (4-6 months), data collection (e.g.
availability of participants, accessibility of research site) and analysis (e.g. researcher capacity
and resources). 
The proposal should demonstrate a need for the research in relation to a
thorough literature review. You can include pilot data analysis which demonstrates the
feasibility of the study/method and from which you may be able to project preliminary
findings which justify your research aim.
APA 6th 
Criteria for assessment: 
Written proposal/study 
• Synthesis of literature – r
elevance, critique, coherence and cohesion 
• Approach, design and analytic procedure in relation to aim – clarity, suitability and
quality of justification (proposal & study); feasibility (proposal); appropriateness of
findings and conclusion (study) 
• Appropriate and accurate use of written academic register and citation and
referencing conventions
• Work submitted is your own independent work
please focus on the methodolgy section .


“A Comparative Analysis of the Italian and Latin Writing Systems” The Italian and Latin writing systems are two of the most influential and widely used writing systems in the world. Both have a rich history and have played a significant role in shaping the development of other

I write an essay on the Italian and Latin writing systems. My professor says I received a 23% on the Latin paper on turn it in and if I’m able to fix the in text citations and expand on my paper that he wouldn’t report to the board. Can someone please look over both the papers and add more and fix the information on the papers. 


“Exploring Language and Culture: A Field Study of Multilingual Communities”

ELAN336 project.pdf ( this is a sample)
ELAN 336_Sec 1302_Course Project_Field Study_431d4aa5742465ffcb37495256abd940.doc ( this is the requirements)


“Exploring English Dialects in the Chinese Community of Ottawa, Canada: A Tabular Study”

In this assignment (based on Wardaugh 2006:55) you will administer a short survey of English
dialects. You will interview twenty people, divided by two of the following five factors:
• Age (young/old)
• Gender (male/female)
• Ethnicity (Black/White/etc.)
• Region (urban/rural, North/South, etc.)
• Class (lower/middle, middle/upper, lower/upper, etc.)
You will analyze their answers and draw conclusions from your analysis based on the patterns (if
any) that you see in your report.   A Tabular Study: English Dialects in the Chinese Community in the Ottawa Area, Canada


Title: Analyzing Morphosyntactic Errors in L2 Learner’s Speech

Did the learner produce correct endings on nouns and verbs? Which forms were problems? Why? Which forms were not problems? Why not? Were there interference and/or developmental errors?  
Did the learner have problems in producing complete sentences? Were some words omitted? Were there problems with word order (in statements and questions), articles (a, an, the), prepositions (in, above, at, to, etc), questions, passives, negative constructions, etc.? Explain. Can you identify any instances of possible interference from the learner’s L1?
Use examples from the transcription.
Morphosyntax slides added.