Literacy Development and Social Justice

Title: “The Power of Literacy: Examining National Literacy, Systematic Racism, and Women’s Equality”

I will attach the assignment instructions. I will also attach my sample from my midterm, it’ll help you outline how it should look. 
Concepts i want you to use: 
Concept 1: National Literacy, page 8
Concept 2: No systematic racism
Concept 3: Literacy is key to women’s equality.
I will attach the reading documents where you can locate the concepts. 
Note: Concept 3 i had to separate into 3 parts due to technical difficulties. I hope this is clear to understand. Please let me know if you need anything more.

Literacy Development and Social Justice

“Creating a Successful Business Plan: A Step-by-Step Guide”

Instructions are in the files. I don’t have any personal instructions. Just to follow the prompt. If you have any questions let me know! Thanks.