Marketing channels

“Analyzing Nintendo’s Marketing Channel Distribution System: A Case Study of a Leading Consumer Goods Company”

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Consumer Goods company 2021 
Revenue: $11.9 billion YoY Change: 9% 
RANKED #57 IN 2020 
Explanation of why you have chosen Nintendo and 
Why do you wish to learn more about Nintendo’s marketing channel distribution system? 
How would you categorize this retailer? 
PLEASE NOTE: Most, if not all of the Consumer Goods company 2021 companies listed are multiproduct companies that manufacture products in more than one technological or market category. Therefore, when analyzing your selected Consumer Goods company’s current channel members and distribution system you may complete your analysis based on the overall company or a specific product or service manufactured by your selected company. 
You must choose a Consumer Goods Company from the  2021  list:
(Links to an external site.)
Be sure to address the questions in a carefully crafted essay, not in a bullet point format.