Meat Slicers

“The Hidden Dangers of Meat Slicers: A Persuasive Argument Against Their Use in the Food Industry”

Write 8-10 page persusaive research argument on the topic of meat slicers. We are writing aginst meat slicers. Include the risk of injury by employees and the risk of foodborne illness. Bring up the opperational cost for franchieses. Use at least 8 reliable sources. 3 MUST be peer reviewed academic artilces. NO AI ALLOWED. 
-Must be in MLA FORMAT with corrcent in text citations and worked cited at end of paper
-audince is the proffesor and college students
-Make sure to have intresting title
-From begging identify the problem, make it percise
-you must have a counter argument
-provide the best solution to the problem you identified. 
-then provide a another nod to the opposition
So basically you want to provide the main problem, then a nod to the opposition, then introduce the best soultion for that problem, then have a reaction nod to that opposition. 
Make sure to use tact. Then also point out the advantages will arise if you adopt the soulution and aswell the problems if we dont.