Microbiology for Health Professions

“Uncovering the Secrets of a Pathogen: Understanding Identification, Transmission, and Prevention Strategies”

Final Project: Pathogens and Health
As a wrap-up for this course, you will study a selected pathogen in detail. For the Unit 9 Assignment, you are being tasked with developing a PowerPoint explaining the methods for identifying the pathogen, the reservoir, mode of transmission, and susceptible hosts. You’ll also discuss virulence factors and prevention strategies.
Remember to review the Assignment guidelines and rubric in the course.
Unit Outcomes addressed in this assignment:
Discuss standard methods used in the field of microbiology
Explain Human/microbe relationships
Analyze virulence factors of pathogens including public health importance
Course Outcomes assessed with this assignment:
SC320-6: Analyze the role of microbes in human disease and public health.
You work for the public health department, and you have been asked to create a presentation that analyzes the role of any chosen pathogen in human health and disease and public health.
Choose one pathogen to analyze and create a PowerPoint presentation that addresses the following:
Provide a brief introduction to the pathogen.
Appropriate microscopic, cultivation, and non-cultivation methods used for the identification of the chosen pathogen.
Discussion of the chosen pathogen’s reservoir, mode of transmission, and susceptible host.
Analysis of the virulence factor(s) of the chosen pathogen.
The public health importance of the pathogen.
Prevention strategies and treatment strategies.
Provide a conclusion that wraps up the importance of the pathogen.
PowerPoint presentation with a minimum of 9 slides (not including title and reference slides). Be sure to include introduction and conclusion slides and detailed speaker’s notes below each slide.
Use graphics and images.
Assignment should follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.).
Your writing should be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful.
Your work should display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics.
Follow APA style format.
Include a minimum of three five references, one of which should be your textbook. All internet sources must be original articles or government resources. Wikipedia or other non-peer reviewed resources are not acceptable.
Include a title slide and reference slide.
Use APA style for all citations.

Microbiology for Health Professions

Cellular Characteristics Cellular Characteristics Introduction The cell is the basic structural unit of all living organisms. It is responsible for carrying out all the necessary functions for the survival of an organism. The cell theory states that new cells arise from pre-existing cells

Cellular Characteristics
The cell theory simply states that new cells arise from pre-existing cells, and that the cell is the basic structural unit of all living things. In order to appreciate the finesse of the prokaryote, one must understand how its daily functions rival that of its much larger counterpart – the eukaryote. For the Unit 2 Assignment, you are being tasked with identifying prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. The requirements include first identifying the similarities between the two types of cells. Secondly, identifying the differences between the two types of cell. Thirdly, identifying the ideal environmental conditions of each. And finally, show how cellular characteristics allow for microbial survival within a therapeutic environment. Provide specific examples to aid in establishing your point of view.
Remember to review the Assignment guidelines and rubric in the course.
Unit Outcomes addressed in this assignment:
Describe the morphologic characteristics of prokaryotic cells, their functions and importance to virulence.
Compare prokaryotic cells to eukaryotic cells in their morphologic characteristics and functions.
In this assignment, you will take a deep dive into the structural similarities and differences of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Developing an understanding of these differences is key in understanding how antibiotics work.
Compare the structural components of prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells. Include the cellular characteristics and their functional properties.
Identify prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells using specific examples (include three examples of each cell type.)
Discuss three examples of cellular targets (structural or metabolic) for antibiotics.
Provide the cellular structure and which antibiotic(s) would affect it.
If a patient was infected with a gram-positive bacterium, which antibiotic would be useful? Why?
Describe the mechanism of action.
Please use the Unit 2 Assignment Worksheet for this assignment.
Review the grading rubric criteria before you begin.
Your worksheet should be a minimum of 500 words.
Be sure that your grammar, sentence structure, and word usage is appropriate.
Include at least 2 scholarly references in APA.
Cite sources using APA style.