Mind and body

“Identifying and Addressing Stressors: The Impact on Mind, Body, and Performance” “Excellence in Formatting and Critical Thinking: The Keys to Quality Writing”

Now that you have had 5 weeks of information related to Stress and how it affects your mind and your body, write a well-written essay identifying the major stressors in your life and describe how those stressors affect your mind and body and ultimately how it affects your performance at work and at home.  Finally speculate how you might address these issues to improve your overall emotional and physical health and performance. 
Your essay should be approximately 750 words or 3 double spaced pages. It should be well written with accurate spelling, good grammar, and a clear focus.  Since we have not yet discussed ways to remedy or improve stress, limit your speculation on how you might address these issues to the last paragraph. 
Be sure to include references to your assigned readings and other information that was provided in this course to date.  If you wish to do some independent research on this topic, be sure to clearly identify your sources through proper citations. Outside research is not required.
Your paper should follow MLA or APA guidelines for Academic essay writing (e.g., Title page, double spacing, citations, etc.) If you need assistance with this or with your writing skills be sure to contact the Center for Academic Success and/or your online librarian (See related topics in your Course Information Module).
You will be graded according to the attached rubric which can be found in the Syllabus under Essay Rubric.
You will be given 5 weeks to complete this assignment because it is expected that you will spend enough time to follow the following writing process:
Create an outline
Write your first draft
Show your draft to someone at the CAS or a trusted person who can critique your essay
Re-write and have someone review your essay again
Submit your essay under the assignment tab (This will automatically engage the Turnitin program that will check for any plagiarism).
Be very careful not to plagiarize any part of this essay.   Utilize appropriate “quotation marks” and proper citations (La Valle, 2019) if you use another person’s words or concepts.  (Review the link “About Plagiarism” in our Course Information Module.   Plagiarized papers will receive a 0 and be referred to the Dean to be made part of your Academic record.
Essay Rubric (1)
Essay Rubric (1)
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuality of the Information
60 to >54.0 pts
Answers the assignment question fully with relevant information that is clearly and effectively stated. Demonstrates excellent understanding of the material with all its implications and nuances and has the required number of words.
54 to >48.0 pts
Answers the assignment questions in a competent manner with good information, well stated. Demonstrating a good understanding of the material and has the required number of words.
48 to >38.0 pts
Answers the assignment question adequately with some relevant information. Demonstrates a beginning understanding of the material and has the required number of words.
38 to >0.0 pts
Low Quality
Does not adequately answer the question with little to no relevant information. Does not demonstrate an understanding of the material and/or is lacking the required number of words.
0 pts
Information is largely irrelevant to the question.
60 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuality of Execution
Spelling, grammar and focus
20 to >17.0 pts
Free of errors in grammar, punctuation, word choice, spelling and format. Shows Originality and Creativity
17 to >0.0 pts
comprised of well-phrased sentences that are varied in length and structure with occasional violations in the writing but they don’t present a major distraction or obscure the meaning.
0 pts
Contains frequent errors in sentence structure, and/or spelling which presents a major distraction to the reader, or is very poorly focused.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuality of Formatting
Quality of MLA or APA format
10 to >7.0 pts
Excellent Format
Almost always correctly acknowledges and documents sources in MLA or APA style (e.g.k, in-text citations, works cited pages, etc) Overall document follows MLA or APA formate with appropriate Title Page, Double spacing, fonts, etc.
7 to >0.0 pts
Good Format
Correctly acknowledges and documents sources in MLA or APA style most of the time with minor mistakes in overall format.
0 pts
Poor or None
Little to no evidence of proper MLA or APA format or use of citations.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvidence of Critical Thinking
10 to >7.0 pts
Demonstrates excellent critical thinking skills in that the student asks thoughtful questions, appropriately questions the evidence, examins underlining assumptions, recognizes differences and similarities or demonstrates appropriate skepticism. Demonstrates curiosity, and imagination. Shows the ability to make abstract connections and inferences. Demonstrates Open-Mindedness.
7 to >0.0 pts
Demonstrates some critical thinking skills in that there is some questioning of evidence and open-minded approach to the topic.
0 pts
Poor to None
Unable to demonstrate any critical thinking skills.
10 pts
Total Points: 100