Modern world literature

Title: The Impact of Cultural Understanding on My Perspective: A Reflection on Modern World Literature

Final Exam 
English 2320: Modern World Literature
Professor Jean-Francois
Due: April 29 at 11:59 via Dropbox (only Microsoft Word document will be accepted). 
Proposal Length: 1 ½ -2 pages
Format requirements:  Double-spaced, with 1-inch margins all around, and Times New Roman 12-pt. font. You should give your paper a title; include your name, class section and my name.
Grade: This assignment is worth 100 points of your grade
A.I. Statement
The purpose of assignments in this course is for you to demonstrate your writing and critical thinking skills while providing you with opportunities to grow as a communicator, thinker, and scholar. Writing skills, along with the course concepts you learn while writing, will help you develop as a person and valued employee who will succeed in your future career(s). So, I ask you to embrace the challenges of learning, scholarship, and personal growth and write without using A.I. 
If you use generative A.I., you are required to attach an Artificial Intelligence Statement to your assignment explaining how you used A.I., what A.I. application you used, and what prompts you used. Using A.I. without an Artificial Intelligence Statement attached to your assignment will be treated the same way as other incidents of plagiarism. 
This formal assignment will cover the following TBR/VSCC’S Goals and Outcomes:
Explain relationships between themes in works and/or cultures from which works come and the student’s own values; and [TBR C, D and F];
To enable students as citizens and educated members of their communities to know and appreciate their own human cultural heritage and its development in a global context.
In our 14 or 15 weeks together, we visited a plethora of cultures that were different from ours. Through their lenses, we were able to have a glimpse of how the other sides lived, and the issues they wrestled with. Choose an issue we dissected together, and answer the following question: How has your understanding of that issue developed the way you now view different cultures? Please give examples.
A successful paper will have the following elements:
A well-developed thesis statement (last sentence of the intro);
Supportive paragraphs with topic sentences;
Transitions—between paragraphs;
Times New Roman, 12-point font, double-spaced.