Moral Judgment

The Evolution of the Concept of Nature vs. Nurture: A Historical Analysis

For this assignment, you will choose one concept from class (approved by me) to do your own research on. The paper is broken into three sections: History of the Concept, Controversy/Changes to the Concept, and Current State of the Concept. For each section, you must include 2-3 references to academic sources, which much be formatted in APA style for both in-text citations and a references section at the end of the paper. All papers must be double-spaced in 12-point Times New Roman font and between 5-7 pages long, excluding a reference page. Grading criteria are located in the rubric on Canvas and more details on each section are below:
Part 1: History of the Concept (80 pts)
·      For this section, you’ll start by defining the concept you have chosen in your own words, then discuss the history of the concept. Questions to answer in this section can include but are not limited to: Who came up with it or was the first to bring it to the public’s attention? What was this concept developed to explain? How accepted was it by the scientific community?
Part 2: Controversy/Changes to the Concept (80 pts)
·      In the second section, you will summarize any major controversies associated with the concept (if there are any) and/or discuss how or whether the concept has changed from its inception to current day. When discussing controversies, you might consider discussing rival concepts, later evidence disproving certain concepts, and anything else you think is relevant to the discussion. When discussing changes to the concept, you might consider covering new concepts that overtook that concept, tweaks to the concept, etc. This section should show evidence of critical thinking of the concept’s original context and how it has changed (or even not changed) throughout time.
Part 3: Current State of the Concept (80 pts)
·      For the final section, you should provide an overview of where the concept is in current day. This should include a definition of the current concept as it stands and an overview of the most prominent theories, scientists, etc. that are being discussed in current day. You can utilize this section to discuss how the concept has changed throughout history, or even to reflect on how it has been historically applied vs how it is applied today. For this section, you have a bit more freedom, as some concepts might have changed less than others over time. 
Organization and Citations (20 pts)
·      In addition to the required portions of the paper, you will also be graded on overall grammar, organization, and coherence. This section also encompasses citations and references formatted correctly in APA format. Please note that while errors in APA formatting of citations will result in a lowered grade in this section, failure to provide citations for your research will result in a zero for those sections.