Negotiating Skills

“Navigating Cultural and Ethical Differences in Complex Negotiations” Title: “Cross-Cultural Negotiations: Navigating Differences in Culture and Ethics”

What if the negotiator who put forward the insulting offer is culturally and/or ethically    different from you, Does culture or ethnicity affect how you respond to a complex negotiation?  Why or why not?  

Negotiating Skills

Title: “Dealing with Insulting Offers in Negotiations: Strategies for Turning the Situation Around” In response to an insulting offer in a negotiation, there are several strategies that can be employed to turn the situation around and reach a more

Difficult Negotiations
You are prepared to negotiate, everything seems to be going well, but the offer   is insulting!
Address the following question for this discussion. Please review the textbook      and provide some detailed thoughts on how you can turn this situation around.
1. What can you do in response to an insulting offer?

Negotiating Skills

Title: “Effective Negotiation: Generating Alternatives and Adapting to Different Styles”

1. How do you generate alternative solutions based on the issues being negotiated? Also, how do you evaluate, select, and prioritize from among them?
2.    Some of us are naturally predisposed to be accommodating or compromising when confronting discord or conflict. We will continue using this technique until faced with a situation where the other party is being hard-nosed and uncompromising. Having said that, what experiences have you had where you have had to adjust your preferred negotiation style to reach your preferred outcome successfully?

Negotiating Skills

Title: The Power of Multiple Equivalent Simultaneous Offers (MESOs) in Negotiations Negotiation is a crucial skill in both personal and professional settings. It involves reaching an agreement or a compromise between two or more parties with different interests

Address the following for this discussion. Provide an example from a personal experience or do some research and find one.
What benefits can negotiators get from using the strategy of multiple equivalent simultaneous offers (MESOs)?

Negotiating Skills

“Exploring Workplace Negotiations: A Case Study of a Complex Contract Negotiation”

Topic Proposal Ideas
The proposal (one to two pages is due during Week 3) should describe the paper’s focus and your method. The negotiation can be one in which you were a participant or one in which you have been an active observer. Some examples of applicable negotiations include the following.
Workplace negotiation, such as a complex contract, new position, or new salary (preferred)
Business transaction, such as a merger or acquisition
Complicated real estate purchase
Union-management contract (including professional sports leagues)
Neighborhood group negotiating zoning concerns with a city government
Negotiation between a vendor and business over products and services
Proposal Description:
The one- to two-page Course Project Proposal draft includes the main topic and any ancillary topics that you will include, including any assumptions you may have concerning your topic and possible expected outcomes or conclusions.