Organizational Behaviour

“Analyzing Key Organizational Problems at Lakeside Housing Association: A Case Study Analysis”

of course work 3 – Case Study Analysis (100% of grade)
words excluded the references.
The Case
Study analysis is an assignment focused on developing your qualitative analysis skills in
a simulated real-world scenario. This assignment builds on your skills and
feedback from the previous two formative assignments in the module (above). You
can follow the same structure as practiced in the previous assessments when you
used the proforma but apply it to new qualitative data rather than your own
experience.  Therefore, the
difference from the Links Exercise is that instead of using your own
experience, we are giving you new data (in the form of transcribed interviews)
to apply management theory and analyse. You can use the same theory used in
your links exercise, or new theories, it is completely up to you. The idea is
to build on the proforma links exercise structure used in assignment 1 and
build your own report.
You are a Consultant
and have to do some qualitative analysis for Lakeside Housing Association
Association Board on the key issues that have emerged from your review of the
The field
work has been completed and you are at the analysis and write-up stage of the
1. You
should write a report of 2700 words addressing the key organisational
problems demonstrated by Lakeside Housing Association, using the module
2. Your
report should draw on the various concepts and theories explored in
this module and identify the key organisational problems of Lakeside
Housing Association (you
can use more than one theory, but it is not recommended you outline more
than 3-4 to allow you depth of analysis).
On this case
study analysis, you should write an introduction and a background of the
Lakeside Housing Association.
You will see
an exemplar of the report from the last year student. You will see how it was
done, for you to have an idea how it should be writing.
References: Harvard Stirling University Referencing Style