Other : Dental hygiene

Assignment 1: Ethical Issues in the Tuskegee Syphilis Study Assignment 2: The Importance of Informed Consent in Research Studies Assignment 3: Understanding Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Analysis in Oral Health Research

Assignment 1:
In this week’s module, we have learned about the appropriate ethical treatment of research study participants, as well as the appropriate consent and ethical committee review (Institutional Review Board) necessary to conduct a research study.
The Tuskegee Syphilis study is historically one of the most unethical studies conducted by the United States Public Health Service. In the short video that you will watch, you will learn more about this study.
Your assignment for this week is to:
Watch the short attached video about the Tuskegee Syphilis Study
Using 1 page or less, comment on the ethical issues with this study, using terminology from Chapters 17 and 18, such as coercion, and nonmaleficence. 
Talk about the consent process here, what is missing?
Please use at least 1 evidence-based citation.
Assignment 2: Ensuring that participation in a research study is voluntary and that the study runs with ethical practices is of the utmost importance. Why is it important that research participants are consented to participate, and what is understood consent? Give an example of what could be considered coercion in a research study.
Assignment 3: What is the difference between primary, secondary and tertiary analysis? In oral health provide examples of where primary, secondary, and tertiary analysis could be used.
(assignemtns 2 and 3 are for a discussion board can be short and concise)
(Don’t forget references for all assignments)

Other : Dental hygiene

“Exploring the Relationship between Oral Health and Overall Health: A Literature Review and Conference/Journal Selection”

1) 5-page paper: The purpose of this paper is threefold: 1) to conduct a literature review/background on an oral health related topic of interest to you, using at least 4 evidence-based sources, 2) to select an appropriate professional conference that you could present this poster at and provide a rationale for your choice (hypothetical; conference located in New Jersey) and 3) to select a research journal in which the paper you are creating the poster about could be published in (please do not use the journal it has been published in). Please provide a rationale for your choice. All citations should be in APA. 

Other : Dental hygiene

Title: “Exploring the Impact of Nutrition on Oral Health: A Literature Review and Conference Proposal for the New Jersey Dental Association Annual Conference”

1) 5-page paper: The purpose of this paper is threefold: 1) to conduct a literature review/background on an oral health related topic of interest to you, using at least 4 evidence-based sources, 2) to select an appropriate professional conference that you could present this poster at and provide a rationale for your choice (hypothetical; conference located in New Jersey) and 3) to select a research journal in which the paper you are creating the poster about could be published in (please do not use the journal it has been published in). Please provide a rationale for your choice. All citations should be in APA. 

Other : Dental hygiene

Assignment 1: Developing a Research Study for Improving Oral Health in Elderly Populations Assignment 2: Understanding the Purpose of Abstracts and Conducting a Literature Review for Evidence-Based Research

Assignment 1:
Select a set of one exposure (E), one disease or outcome (D), and one population (P) for an oral health issue. You are an oral health researcher that wants to conduct a research study on the issue you have selected.
Identify an overall study goal (examples, reduce rates of decay in children, or improve the oral health knowledge of an elderly population) that aligns with those EDPs, then identify three specific aims that align with that overall study goal. Confirm that each aim is SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely). 
Assignment should utilize a minimum of 1 evidence-based citation (not wikipedia, WebMD). 
Assignment 2:
What is the purpose of an abstract for a research paper and how does that differ from a full-text article?  Provide advice for someone who is trying to conduct a literature review (review of relevant articles to provide background information for a research paper) and give them guidance on where they can locate evidence-based publications for their research paper.
This one is for a discussion post, doesn’t have to be long. Short and concise.
Don’t forget references for both

Other : Dental hygiene

Title: The Impact of Health Research on Personal and Community Health, and the Role of Dental Hygienists in Preventive Care

Assignment 1:
Think about the ways that research in the health sciences has benefitted your own health (or someone else’s) and the ways that future health research could help other individuals and communities become healthier. 
Write reflectively about your experiences and hopes related to the research process and research outcomes.
Your submission should include 1 evidence-based citation (not WebMD or wikipedia).
Assignment 2:
In healthcare, there are three levels of prevention used to address disease at different states of progression. This preventative concept is also used in dental hygiene and dentistry. The three stages of prevention are:
Primary prevention- protective actions for people before the disease occurs- these are broad solutions, such as vaccination of all children under age 1 against polio and pertussis. 
Secondary Prevention- think screening for a disease, with the goal of detecting a disease early. In secondary the disease has occurred, but it is in an early stage, so the goal is to prevent it from advancing.
Tertiary Prevention- the disease has occurred, so now we want to reduce pain, perform surgery, and rehabilitate patients to reduce impairment.
Please provide an oral health example for each level of prevention. In your opinion, in which level/levels of does the dental hygienist focus? 
This assignment is for a discussion post. Shouldn’t be long at all. Short and concise. Don’t forget references for both assignments.