
Understanding the Difference between Citation and Reference

Hello Everyone. 
As you delve deeper into your educational journey, you’ll encounter terms like citation and reference frequently, especially in the context of case studies, research papers, essays, and academic writing.
Let’s clarify the difference between citation and reference:
A citation is a brief acknowledgment within the body of your writing that indicates the source of a particular piece of information, idea, or quotation you’ve used. Citations typically include the author’s name(s), publication year, and page number (if applicable) and are usually placed within parentheses or as footnotes/endnotes. 
For example:
According to Smith and Johnson (2019), “climate change poses significant challenges for global agricultural systems” (p. 45).
Recent studies have shown a correlation between social media usage and mental health issues (Garcia, 2020).
A reference is a detailed entry that provides complete bibliographic information about the sources you’ve cited in your work. References appear at the end of your document. Each reference entry includes information such as the author’s name(s), title of the work, publication date, publisher, and other relevant details. The purpose of a reference list is to allow readers to locate and verify the sources you’ve cited in your writing.
For example:
Garcia, L. (2020). The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health: A Comprehensive Analysis. Journal of Psychology, 35(2), 123-135.
Smith, A., & Johnson, B. (2019). Climate Change and Agricultural Systems: Challenges and Solutions. New York: Academic Press.
All cited works must be listed as references. 
If you have any further questions or need clarification on this topic, please don’t hesitate to let me know.
Developing a strong understanding of citation and referencing practices will serve you well in your academic pursuits.
Dr. Awad
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