Placemaking and Urban Form

Title: Rethinking Urban Design: A Case Study of E University Blvd in Tucson, AZ

Peter Calthorpe said that building new cities will be at the heart of so much that matters, from climate change to economic vitality to our well-being and sense of connectedness. However, we are not proposing to build new cities and expand our new footprint; instead, we are rethinking, re-building, and revitalizing them for good. The community design he proposes focuses on human interaction. He shares seven universal principles for solving sprawl and building smarter, more sustainable cities.
1 — Preserve
2 — Mix
3 — Walk
4 — Bike
5 — Connect
6 — Ride
7 — Focus
For this project, you will complete an observational research study combining your on-site experience with mapping using your phone or computer.
Watch the TED talk by Peter Calthorpe.
Place yourself in a neighborhood that is at least 50% residential. Do not use a highly commercial location, campus, or mall; it must be at least 50% housing of any income level. 
Give yourself ample time, at least 30 minutes, to explore the surroundings. Having the 7 principles for building better cities in mind, take pictures or record a video pointing out opportunities to rethink this neighborhood better. Make sure we see you in the pictures or hear you in the video.
Help yourself by using your cellphone maps app to see how the neighborhood connects to other neighborhoods, transportation systems, open spaces, and major destinations such as Downtown, jobs, services, and schools. You can also use your computer for this part.
For your deliverable, you will use a graphic design-based software program to create a presentation that includes the following slides:
Slide 1: A title slide that includes the name, location, and picture of yourself located at your chosen public space (selfie).
Slide 2-4 Undergraduate students: select three principles from the list above while 
For each principle (slide), show and explain the option that applies from the list below:
The principle is met: explain how using at least 100 words and at least 2 images (1 picture and 1 map).
The principle is almost met: explain what is happening and what you recommend to do to completely meet the principle using at least 100 words and at least 2 images (1 picture and 1 map).
The principle is not met: What prevents it from being met? And how can it be fixed? Use at least 100 words and at least 2 images (1 picture and 1 map).
Slide 5(undergraduates) or 9 (Graduates): Ask your classmates a question, for example, what principle seems to be more urgent or more obvious in my case? or what other principle can easily be addressed… You will need to supply some context. Make sure you give them the necessary background to provide you with the answer. (These questions will be answered during Week 6)
For this presentation you will be discussing 2 — Mix,
3 — Walk, 
& 5 — Connect.
The area I walked and observed I will be providing pitcures of both apple maps and pictures on site to be used along side your slide content. 
Location: E University Blvd Tucson, AZ 85705
I am providing you with the photos neccissary for the slides and they are         numbered accordingly to the slides they belong on.
I am also providing you with an example slide show you can use as a guide.