Power of Media

“The Power and Influence of Media: Exploring the Impact and Potential for Change” “Redefining Success: The True Measure of Achievement”

Writing task: Write a persuasive essay on a specific topic within the realm of media. Think about what counts as media, a particular medium, or even a device used for delivery and go from there. You could explore the power of music on society, or look into the message or themes of a particular film and the influence it may have on a specific demographic. Or, possibly, you are sick of the messages from the nightly “infotainment” broadcasts mixing real news with opinion, agenda and dramatized weather reports (“Storm Watch 2018!” “Excessive Heat Warning!”). Perhaps the portrayal of women in advertising (or other media) strikes you as inappropriate, damaging, and ignorant. Maybe you are interested in the newest form of media, mobile media, because you see it used (abused?) nearly everywhere you go, which may excite or frustrate you as you submerge yourself into (try to adapt to?) a new, inwardly-focused generation/society constantly fidgeting with portable electronic gadgets. Does the concept of newspapers no longer existing interest, worry, frighten or excite you? Are you or a loved one addicted to: Social networking? Video games? Kindle? iPad? Can Facebook users influence change? Can going “viral” really make a difference in one’s life (think: Justin Bieber and YouTube)?
These are just a few topic possibilities for this assignment. The guidelines are broad, so you, the author, are free to discover your own topic of interest, thus advancing your commitment to (and motivation for) your position, but be careful to not be too general. You must develop a position (claim), and then you must support it. To support your position on the topic/issue you have chosen, you need to provide documented research within your essay. Remember that the topic/issue does not need to be highly controversial in order for it to have opposing viewpoints and opinions. As long as your topic connects back to media, you are choosing an appropriate topic.
Your research should help you to develop and support a critical analysis of your topic/issue that persuades the reader to consider various perspectives and sympathize with your perspective (think: rhetorical triangle). You may (depending on the topic you are writing about) propose a course of action that will have an impact on the issue you are discussing. But remember, you must have a position, you must commit—you cannot see it evenly from both (or all) sides of the issue.  
Requirements: As always, this essay must include a Works Cited sheet along with in-text citations following current MLA Style standards. Also, you must meet a minimum of eight (8) outside sources included in your document. Remember, as a writer it is imperative that you earn the respect and trust of your audience, so you cannot, repeat cannot, include sources that are all from the same place. In other words, you need to present a variety of sources (academic/scholarly, journal, book, open-web, interview, etc.) to support your position. 
Final draft: Due on Canvas, Friday, 5/3, 11:59 pm. Persuasive, thought-provoking, academic and polished, this essay should be the cornerstone of English 102. Expectations are high, so quality (which, sorry to say, does have a correlation with quantity) is a must.
REMEMBER: We are moving beyond the Five Paragraph Essay because this is college level writing. The Five Paragraph Essay is too limiting in structure and in ability to develop content (analysis, synthesis, significance) and rhetoric (purpose, audience, tone & voice). You should be developing, thinking, analyzing and thus, writing more than you ever could/would for a Five Paragraph Essay. Also:
All drafts should be typed, double-spaced with 12-point font and 1 inch margins
see formatting guidelines in the Resources module on Canvas
I will not grade any essay less than 1300 words for WP#3
Works Cited page does not count toward word count
Realize 1300 words is the minimum level of work required for me to take the time to grade it, not necessarily the minimum level of work needed to earn a passing grade
Don’t let a number be your purpose