problem solving for criminal justice professionals

The Impact of Bail Reform on Crime Rates and the Criminal Justice System: A Review of the Literature and Identification of the Problem “The Impact of Bail Reform on Public Safety in New York: A Comprehensive Analysis”

Problem: what impact if any has bail reform had on crime
rates and the criminal justice system?
In this assignment, you will conduct a review of the literature (ROL) to gain a better understanding of your criminal justice topic. This will give you insight into current research within the field, presenting problem areas for further research and inquiry.
In Module One, you learned how to analyze research and data to identify a problem. You will now apply this knowledge by conducting an ROL. Then, using the findings from your ROL, you will identify a problem based on the analysis of your research. This application of knowledge will help you prepare for the submission of your project in Module Seven, where you will use the information gathered from this ROL.
Before you get started on your ROL, review the Project Guidelines and Rubric.
Specifically, the following rubric criteria must be addressed in your ROL and identification of the problem:
Review of the Literature (ROL)
Identify 10 scholarly resources related to the research question you chose in Module One.
These need to be peer-reviewed articles and text, not websites, Wikipedia posts, general web articles, news articles, blogs, and so forth.
You selected five resources for your Module One discussion, and feedback was provided by your instructor on the appropriateness of the article or resource. You may use the five approved resources from Module One as part of your 10 required resources for this assignment.
Craft an analysis of the resources that highlights the key points and problems that relate to the research question.
Things to note when conducting an analysis of resources:
Review individual resources for key points and problems that relate to the research question you chose. This should be one fluid writing, not a list of summarized articles.
You are analyzing the resources in order to identify recurring themes that are common to the research question topic.
State facts, not your personal opinion—there are no absolutes (e.g., research indicates…, research suggests…).
Questions to consider to develop a thorough analysis:
How did the problem evolve (if it can be determined)?
What is the current status of the problem?
What have criminal justice professionals done in the past to address the problem, and what do they currently do?
Identification of Problem
Identify a specific criminal justice problem based on your ROL.
Identify a factor that contributes to the problem.
What to Submit
Your submission, which includes the ROL and the identification of the problem, should be a five- to eight-page Word document with 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. Page count does not include the title or reference pages. The identification of the problem should come after the ROL (also in narrative form) in a separate section with its own heading. Any references must be cited in APA style. See the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more information on citations.
Current Sources:  
Criminal justice
reform: Issues and options for the next president. (n.d.). Brookings.
Green, M., Visiting,
J., Altheimer, I., Professor, Robertson, O., & Assistant. (n.d.). Working
Paper 2023-05 The Impact of Bail Reform: What the Data Shows The Impact of Bail
Reform: What the Data Shows Center for Public Safety Initiatives 2.
‌Jorgensen, I., & Smith,
S. (2021). The Current State of Bail Reform in the United States: Results of a
Landscape Analysis of Bail Reforms across All 50 States. SSRN
Electronic Journal.
‌ The Real Impact
of Bail Reform on Public Safety | John Jay College of Criminal Justice.
10490. (n.d.). The
Facts on Bail Reform in New York: How Pretrial Detention and Release Works Now
| Brennan Center for Justice.