Public relations

“Exploring Your Leadership Signature: A Self-Reflection and Development Report” Introduction Leadership is a complex and multifaceted concept, with various styles and approaches that can be effective in different situations. As individuals, we each have our own

Read the following articles:
“What’s your Leadership Signature?” from Heidrick and Struggles.
Write a 525- to 700-word report about your go-to and supplemental leadership styles. Include the following:
Identify your top 3 leadership styles.
Describe potential blind spots of your personality that you were not aware influenced your leadership style.
Examine how your personality typology makes you a better leader.
Identify organizational environments in which you are likely to thrive and struggle.
Develop a list of SMART goals that focus on self-improvement.
Examine what leadership skills you possess to make you an effective facilitator and negotiator in the workplace.
Create or construct a list of strategies to develop future leadership skills that you may not currently possess to make you an effective facilitator and negotiator in the workplace.
Cite any sources that support your assignment.
Format your citations according to APA guidelines.

Public relations

“Why Skittles are the Superior Candy: A Persuasive Speech”

Topic Dogs do make great pets.
Your pretend speech should sound something like this:
Hello. My name is Bob. Skittles are better than Starburst for three reasons: Skittles have crunchy shells, you don’t have to unwrap Skittles, and Skittles fit in your pocket better than Starburst.
Skittles have a delicious crunchy outer shell that Starburst do not have. This makes Skittles better than Starburst because Skittles are simply more complex.
Starburst come individually wrapped; it takes way too long to get to the fruit-juicy treasure inside. Skittles, on the other hand, are bit sized pieces that you don’t have to unwrap.
Finally, a bag of Skittles fits nicely into the front or back pocket of most jeans. Starburst, on the other hand, come in long, square packages that protrude awkwardly (even embarrassingly) from jean pockets.
In conclusion, skittles are better than Starburst because Skittles have crunchy shells, you don’t have to unwrap Skittles, and a bag of Skittles fits easily in your pocket, unlike Starburst. Thank you.

Public relations

Title: “Informing Policy through Infographics: A Visual Approach to Annotated Bibliographies and Policy Briefs”

powerpoint is infograph style. example is attached. 
annotated bibliography needed is attached as well as the policy brief of information need for PP

Public relations

“Communication Strategies for a Successful Product Launch: A Business Manager’s Portfolio” “Managing External Partners and Handling Customer Complaints: A Portfolio of Communication Documents for Nasaquil” Title: Communicating Effectively with Internal and External Stakeholders

As a business manager, you may encounter situations that require a wide variety of communication responses. For this assessment, you will be creating a portfolio of communication documents. Please appropriately format each communication for the message type.
Scenario 1
You are a manager of a company that has recently purchased and merged with a smaller company. The purchased company has an existing product, which will now be part of your product offering. The product is a weight-loss supplement called Kamelon. The product has been very successful for the previous owner, but the company had a limited ability to adjust its manufacturing system to accommodate growth, as well as a limited potential sales audience. Your role is to oversee and coordinate all aspects of launching the product from the newly acquired company. You have a far greater manufacturing capacity and more potential customers readily available because you already sell several weight loss-related products to a large base of customers.
Kamelon has been proven successful by a limited research study. The study consisted of 100 participants, 90% of whom lost at least 15 pounds over a reasonable time period. To date, the study participants who lost at least 15 pounds have successfully maintained their weight loss by continuing to use the product, and 80% were able to maintain their weight loss with continued use of Kamelon. The 10% of study participants who lost less than 15 pounds may have been unsuccessful because they did not follow the program’s protocol. An inherent risk of a weight-loss product is the inability to determine whether the product has produced results or if the user has not followed directions. Dissatisfied customers present a challenge as a result.
Your success relies on your external business partner Synesthor, who continues to manufacture the pill casing for Kamelon. There is a need for 10 million pills to be manufactured in the next three months to meet the demands of your customers. Synesthor is a manufacturing company located in South America, and you will need to work closely with this partner to ensure their manufacturing operation is able to meet the demand as needed in a just-in-time environment. Your contact’s name at Synesthor is Fatima Sousa.
You have received a customer complaint via the company’s social media page. The customer is extremely dissatisfied, and the complaint has negatively impacted the company’s image. The customer’s complaint is as follows: “Kamelon does not work! I’ve been using this for a week, and I haven’t lost anything! I’m going on vacation in a couple of weeks, and I was hoping to shed a couple of pounds before I left for my trip. Unfortunately, I do not foresee this happening. No one should buy this product! As a faithful member of several weight-loss groups, I will not recommend this product to anyone in my groups.”
Scenario 2
You are a manager in a small pharmaceutical distributor. Your company has been awarded an exclusive contract to distribute a new medication.
Nasaquil is an over-the-counter medication that has been approved to treat influenza. Nasaquil will compete directly with prescription antiviral medications.
Your company, through your sales and customer service representatives, already has extensive relationships with medical providers. There is great anticipation within the market about the potential efficacy of this new medication. According to estimates by a government agency, from 2010 to 2020, there were approximately 9 to 41 million flu illnesses with an estimated 12,000 to 52,000 flu-related deaths in the United States.
Initial clinical trials indicate that Nasaquil may help to lower influenza’s severity and duration; however, clinical trials only demonstrate a new medication’s efficacy in a small group of patients over a limited amount of time. Long-term product efficacy rates have not yet been established. As with all new medication launches, your company anticipates patient dissatisfaction if desired results are not achieved. In those cases, the company will work directly with the patients.
The success of Nasaquil relies on an external business partner located in Europe, Pruhart Tech, that manufactures the refrigerated casing designed specifically for this product. The product is required to be shipped overnight in a temperature-controlled package. Unfortunately, Pruhart Tech has limited refrigerated shipping containers, and the availability is restricted to weekend deliveries only. You will need to work closely with this partner to ensure that their manufacturing operation is able to increase as needed in a just-in-time environment to meet sales demands. Your contact’s name at Pruhart Tech is Diego Garcia.
You have received a customer complaint via the company’s social media page. The customer is extremely dissatisfied, and the complaint has negatively impacted the company’s image. The customer’s complaint is as follows: “Nasaquil does not work! My wife started Nasaquil and got very ill! I don’t understand how big pharma companies get away with rolling out unsafe drugs that can hurt people! Dealing with all of the medical appointments and issues is bad enough, but this sickness . . . I cannot wait for the patient support meeting tomorrow to share this medication’s reaction. Maybe this drug shouldn’t be approved yet.”
Scenario 3
You are a manager of a research company. Your research team has developed a transition package that allows a gas-powered engine to transition to run on biofuels. The availability and low cost of biofuels make the transition package a potential game changer in the automobile market. You have named the product Sparkit.
In addition to tests completed by your staff, you have partnered with a large automobile manufacturer to ensure that the transition package works with many different types of vehicles. The large automobile manufacturer remains a partner in the product as a result of their involvement, and you anticipate that future vehicles from the producer may use the technology when initially built. With the manufacturer’s assistance, you anticipate that 50% of cars currently on the road can potentially be retrofitted with your product. The automobile manufacturer has created a guide for your sales force to ensure that Sparkit is not sold to customers whose cars are not compatible with the product.
This is the first big product developed by your company. Your sales and service teams do not have current relationships with potential buyers. One potential risk is that purchasers may choose to install the transition package on their own rather than choose a knowledgeable automotive professional to install it. You anticipate that there may be issues with installation as a result.
The success of Sparkit relies on an external partner in Asia, Autojor, that manufactures a filter critical to the proper operation of the transition package. As the result of a natural disaster, Autojor recently lost a manufacturing plant that was responsible for producing 25% of your inventory. You will need to work closely with this partner to ensure that their manufacturing operation is able to continue supporting the just-in-time environment to meet sales demands. Your contact’s name at Autojor is Mateo Kalani.
You have received a customer complaint via the company’s social media page. The customer is extremely dissatisfied, and the complaint has negatively impacted the company’s image. The customer’s complaint is as follows: “I bought and installed Sparkit. It doesn’t work! The instructions do not match my engine’s layout, and now my car doesn’t work at all. This was supposed to save me money, but now my car won’t run. I’ll have to put more money into getting it fixed. This is ridiculous. I have told all my friends, and now I am telling the world—do not buy this product! If you do, you will regret it.”
Create a portfolio of communication documents based on one of the scenarios by doing the following:
A.  Compose an email to internal staff by doing the following:
1.  Discuss two advantages of the product.
2.  Discuss two disadvantages of the product.
a.  Explain how to mitigate the disadvantages of the product discussed in part A2.
B.  Compose an informational email to external stakeholders (e.g., investors, shareholders) that discusses two distinct organizational and/or financial impacts the product will create.
C.  Compose a consumer-facing blog post by doing the following:
1.  Highlight three distinct benefits of the product.
2.  Explain what sets this product and/or business apart from others in the industry.
D.  Compose a persuasive letter to the business partner by doing the following:
1.  Discuss one challenge in meeting production needs.
2.  Describe your solution to mitigate the challenge discussed in D1.
3.  Explain how the business partner will benefit from using the approach described in D2 to meet production needs.
E.  Compose responses to the customer complaint about the product by doing the following:
1.  Develop a public response for publication on the company’s social media page that acknowledges the customer complaint and improves the company image.
2.  Develop a direct private message with a proposed remedy to the customer.
F.  Explain how to overcome two potential biases (e.g., prejudice, discrimination) using culturally competent strategies that will help improve stakeholder communication.
G.  Explain how to mitigate two potential intercultural differences (e.g., ethnocentrism, stereotyping) found in stakeholder communication.
H.  Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.
I.  Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

Public relations

Title: PR Issue Analysis and Tactical Recommendations for Cathay Pacific’s Blanket Incident Backlash on Chinese Social Media

PR Issue Evaluation
For your final assessment for the course, select a current PR issue or situation–perhaps one you’ve read about in current news or included in your discussion posts. Draft an in-depth analysis of the issue along with PR tactical recommendations.
Cathay Pacific faces Chinese social media backlash after blanket incident. I would like to research more about this topic and find out what are the strategies used by Cathay Pacific. Also what they can do better in the future. 
Here is the news reports referring to the incident:
Note: You must send your topic idea to the instructor for pre-approval prior to starting.
Instructions: Write a thorough analysis of a current public relations campaign, issue, or situation. You will analyze the current example and then present your recommendations for future action.
Paper must be 5–8 pages, double spaced, including a References page using APA style.
Include in-text citations at the end of the sentence in paratheses.
Include a conclusion summarizing your key thoughts and points.
Include a header separating each section bolded and underlined with the name of the section. The header should be centered on its own line.
Your paper will be written in narrative form using complete sentences.
Bulleted lists and sentence fragments may be used in a limited manner as appropriate.
Specifics: double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman or similar sized, legible font, maximum of one-inch margins.
You may include screenshots or images as an Appendix (you can insert photos within the text in Word). 
Please DO NOT upload your final paper as a PDF. 
Sections to include in your analysis:
Situation Analysis: Identify the PR issue or situation and outline the current facts.
Publics / Audiences: Who is impacted by this PR campaign or issue? Identify the major audiences and explain their concerns or why they are impacted.
Goals & Objectives: Outline at least 2-3 goals AND objectives for the company or organization. These can either be published goals and objectives or what you believe should be the company’s goals and objectives.
Key Messages: Must include 3 – 5 key campaign messages that you draft or that you believe are the campaign’s key messages if analyzing a current campaign.
PR Tactics: Include an overview of PR tactics or recommendations – what you would recommend to achieve the goals & objectives.
MUST include 3 – 5 tactics
References in APA style

Public relations

“Presenting with Energy and Enthusiasm: Engaging with Your Audience Through the Lens”

Remember, you are using your note cards and presenting with energy and enthusiasm. Smile! Enjoy yourself! You’ll also want to record yourself from waist up and standing in front of the camera. Record horizontally (not vertically) and keep your eyes level with the camera (you don’t want to be looking up to or looking down at the audience). Have a conversation with your classmates through the lens of the camera. 
Directions for recording, captioning, and uploading your speech videos can be found here: canvas-studio-all-in-one-guide-1.pdf
This video-> How to Use Canvas Studio GuideLinks to an external site.  will help walk you through the Canvas Studio Guide.
Choose the best location and learn to light your subject by reviewing this video: 
Once you’ve recorded your speech, upload it to this week’s discussion board.
Then view as many of your classmates’ speeches as possible– commenting on 3 or more of them. 
For information on how to share Constructive Criticism view the following video paying particular attention to what is appropriate to critique and how we can best critique using a positive “constructive” feedback style:
Brenda. (2011, August 8). Critiquing Speeches Lesson [Video]. YouTube. to an external site.
Minimize Video
Finally, review the rubric to see how this speech will be evaluated. 
NOTE: This is the third of 5 required speech presentations which must be completed in order for you to pass this class. 
If you have technical issues at any time during the semester, please don’t hesitate to contact the college’s technical support team:

Public relations

“Reforming the Criminal Justice System: Addressing Policy Issues and Recommendations”

Policy Paper:
Students will submit a research policy paper, which will focus on a policy issue related to the criminal justice system. This paper allows students to critically assess and think about policy implications and recommendations surrounding an aspect of the criminal justice system. In order to complete this assignment, students should use the following rubric:
• Sources-A minimum of five (5) scholarly sources should be used to address the policy discussed in this paper. (Additional, non-scholarly sources are encouraged but cannot replace scholarly sources). By this point, students should already have five peer-reviewed sources from annotated bibliography and one non-peer reviewed news article from current events assignment to use for this policy paper.
• Length-paper should be 7-10 pages in length [not including cover page, table of contents, and reference page]. All papers should adhere to ASA citation style in-text and reference page formats.
o Cover Page-This should include your name, course number, unique title and date
o Table of Contents- This is a breakdown of each section of your paper (should be second 
o Introduction- Inform the reader about the policy-issue that will be addressed
o Literature Review-What has been written about this topic? Who does it impact/affect?
o Policy Recommendations-Students should propose recommendations based off their 
reading and understanding of the policy-issue. This is a place to be creative. In addition, critique or support for current policy measures.
o Conclusion- Summarize the paper here. Re-state why this policy issue matters. What 
future research must be done?
o Reference Page- This should follow ASA Style Citation format
Each paper should use standard font size, 12 pt., double-spaced and submitted in either PDF or word file. If the instructor cannot access the document it is considered absent. This assignment is DUE May 16, 2024 by 11:59pm on Blackboard – All late papers will lose a letter grade for each day late. 
Finally, below is an example of a table of contents:
Table of Content:
Literature Review ……………………………………..…………………….……………………..2
War on Drugs………………………………………………………………………….……………3
Mass Incarceration ……………..…………………………………………………………………4
Policy Recommendation …………………………………………………………………….……5
Conclusion …………………………………………………………………..………………..……6
Below is attach my 3 assignments; policy paper, current events, and annoated bibliography. please look at my essay for the 5 peer reviewed resources. Please send a plagarisim report, please no plagarisim. Please dont be too vague because I will have to give a 5 minute vidoe presentation about this paper 

Public relations

“Intertwining Logic and Public Health: A Comprehensive Approach to Improving Population Health”

this paper will go into twined with the logic module that I need you to do for me as well that’s on the other order, so please just relate the both of them to one another. Also, it Hass to be 1 inch margin all the rules and requirements that she needs is attach and it Hass to be public health resources when it comes to the papers and stuff like that.

Public relations

Title: Logic Model for Promoting Physical Activity in Older Adults Step 1: Conduct a Needs Assessment – Identify the problem: Low levels of physical activity in older adults – Identify the target population: Older adults aged 65 and above

Create a draft of a logic model for a health behavior of your choice as if you just completed a needs assessment for Step 1 of the Intervention Mapping Process. Make sure to outline the four ecological levels. This should look like the logic models from the slides–not an extensive Kellogg’s model. (2) Consider your next steps (i.e. prioritizing determinants) as informed by the literature you used to create the logic model itself (which levels seem most promising to affect change), and (3) consider which theories or theoretical constructs would best support those levels. Parts 2 & 3 should be briefly summarized in paragraph form.
Feel free to create this model as it applies to your approved topic/research question for your final paper.
Be sure to use a creative and intriguing title as always, and comment on the work of two of your peers.

Public relations

“Community Snapshots: Exploring the Diversity and Resilience of Our Neighborhoods” Community: Chinatown, New York City Photo 1: “Bustling Streets” This photo captures the lively and crowded streets of Chinatown

We are going to create our own *mini* photovoice projects!
Please share 3-4 photos of your community and share with us the name of the community and answers to the SHOWED discussion outline. Remember that a community is not just geographic. The photos do not need to be taken this week, but they should be from within the past year or so.
Come up with a creative forum title to draw your peers to your response. All responses should be 500 words maximum. Remember to comment on at least two other threads.
Individuals commenting can also engage in the SHOWED discussion outline as “researchers (outsiders)” or as other community members (since this will depend on how community is defined within the original post). Remember that communities are not monoliths, and it is possible for you to disagree with other community members.
Do your best to engage in the partnership dynamic presented to you. That is, if you are an outsider, recall that in CBPR, the community perspective takes priority over the outsider perspective as community input is essential. Be mindful of your comments and how they may be perceived in terms of trust-building or partnership maintenance.