Public relations

“Revitalizing Coca-Cola: A Strategic Marketing Plan for Success”

Attached is the prompt for this project.
Please use Coca-Cola as the organization
No AI, No Plagarism

Public relations

“Black Panther Roars: A Successful Integrated Marketing Campaign” “Empowering the Underserved: How Black Panther Became the Ultimate Integrated Marketing Movie”

I will also give access to my pearson for you to get quotations.
Read the case, “Black Panther Roars”, at the end of Chapter 16, pages 359-361 in your text.
Analyze the case following ALL the directions in the file “PR Case Studies Requirements” on the Course Content Page. 
Remember your grade is based on your ability to demonstrate learning from this class.  You MUST use quotes from a variety of chapters following all directions carefully. 
Answer questions # 16.11 and 16.12 found on page 361 of your text.
Case Study: Black Panther Roars
Few superhero movies, or for that matter movies of any kind, have debuted as successfully as the Disney/Marvel Studios’ Black Panther in 2018; the first such superhero movie to feature a nearly all-black cast.
Not only did the movie collect $1 billion in the first month, including opening to a record-shattering $242 million box office (bested only by the 2015 blockbuster Star Wars: The Force Awakens), but it also became a cultural phenomenon, drawing the most diverse North American audience ever for a superhero film.
Black Panther’s success was also a tribute to the kind of savvy integrated marketing that was unknown when the first movie superhero took flight—literally!—in 1978
Impeccable Targeting, Timing
Black Panther’s marketing campaign aimed from the outset to serve discrete audiences with specific communications tactics. Among the most important targets were superhero fans, Marvel Comics’ fans (where Black Panther was featured), and empowered women and black moviegoers in particular.
Marvel’s marketing to the black community was particularly effective. Mountains of re-publicity focused on the uniqueness of the story’s hero, whose real name was T’Challa, who became king and protector of his people in the technologically advanced African country of Wakanda. T’Challa, aka Black Panther, was not only strong and powerful but wise, having received a doctoral degree in physics from prestigious Oxford University.
The combination of uniqueness and pride in the movie’s protagonist made most people forget that Black Panther was actually Marvel’s second black movie superhero; 20 years earlier in 1998, Wesley Snipes as Blade was really Marvel’s inaugural black superhero.
In terms of timing, the movie makers meticulously built up enthusiasm over a period of years, until reaching the fever pitch public opening in January 2018.
First came the announcement in 2016 that the acclaimed black director Ryan Coogler had signed on to direct the black superhero movie.
Months later, a star-studded African American cast was rolled out, including such significant names as Chadwick Boseman, Michael B. Jordan, Lupita Nyong’o, Angela Basset, and Forest Whitaker.
In January
Super-Serving Black Movie Goers
The key to the Disney-Marvel integrated marketing approach was building anticipation and support of the movie within the black community, not only in the United States, but also around the world.
Here, the initiative served as a multi-dimensional model for other studios and other businesses in winning credibility with a specific target market. The effort included:
Celebrating a heritage. 
From the outset, Black Panther was marketed to mobilize a black grassroots movement unlike any other movie in history. The film was released during Black History Month. Black Panther’s T’Challa name is shared with the Black Panther political party of the 1970s. And the movie’s 2018 release date dovetailed with the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement across the United States, as well as with the growing movement in Hollywood to more liberally open the entertainment business to minorities.
Supporting the community. 
Community relations also weighed heavily on the Black Panther marketing initiative. Crowdfunding efforts sprang up to ensure that black children were exposed to the prideful film. The GoFundMe page for the Boys & Girls Club of Harlem, for example, read, “This representation is truly fundamental for young people, especially those who are often underserved, unprivileged, and marginalized both nationally and globally.”
Celebrities like Ellen DeGeneres donated to the cause, and Disney also supported raising money for kids to see the movie by helpi
In every respect, then, from grassroots marketing to social media marketing, from target marketing to empowering minorities, Black Panther was the undisputed integrated marketing movie king.

Public relations

“Help Save Dogs with Golden Pets’ Fundraising Event” Subject Line: Join Golden Pets in Saving Dogs at Our Fundraising Event! Dear [Sponsor], Golden Pets is excited to invite you to our upcoming fundraising event on [date]! We

Golden Pets is having a party, and they need your help to promote it. The goal is raise money for the shelter, which will be used to update its facilities, add more room and help it save more dogs. For the event to be successful, they need to secure sponsors, willing to pay $2,500 or more. Sponsor benefits depend on the type of event, such as reserved seating, access to any VIP-only events and recognition in event promotion materials.
Scenario overviewDownload Scenario overview
Estimated Time for Completion: 60 minutes
Target Course Objectives
Develop written materials that adhere to rules of punctuation and grammar, follow industry standards and abide by legal and ethical considerations.
Prepare written materials that align with organizational goals, principles of strategy, priority publics, and messaging
Analyze communication research and materials for strategic messaging and content development.
Create high-quality documents for use in a variety of strategic disciplines: public relations, advertising, sales and marketing, and business communication.
Using the same event details from the Module 10 Assignment, prepare a fundraising message to potential sponsors.
Your submission will be formatted as an e-blast, complete with a subject line. The document will be between 150-250 words. 
Your submission must follow the guidance for writing fundraising messages and e-blasts in section 4H of the textbook and 5C on business correspondence. Grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors will detract from your grade for this assignment.
Submit this assignment by attaching your Word document by Sunday at 11:59 pm Central.

Public relations

Title: “Empowering Underprivileged Youth through the Indian Women’s League: A Sustainable Approach to Promoting Gender Equity in Football”

We are committing to use the Indian Women’s League to Promote Gender Equity/ Equality and promote the longevity and love of sport for women. The IWL will partner with the Jindal Sports Hostel project by the Jindal Steel & Power (JSP) Foundation. These athletic women will target and empower underprivileged youth by teaching them the fundamentals of football while promoting their academic excellence within the Soyabali, Keonjhar District in hopes of inspiring the youth to continue the growth of football, with a particular emphasis on cultivating the longevity for young girls to continue to grow, develop and play as they become older. 
Demonstrate ROI and ROO funding/revenue sources
Budget (short-term / 1 year)
Plan for Sustainability

Public relations

“Addressing Police Accountability: A Current Event Analysis”

Students will submit a 500-word assignment based on a news article that discusses their policy paper topic. Each paper should use standard font size, 12 pt., double-spaced as well as include: name, date, unique title, and news article citation in ASA style including a web link. The purpose of this assignment is for students to choose a topic surrounding a current event issue (e.g. local, national, or international) that discusses an aspect(s) of the topic of their policy paper. All articles should be published from January 1, 2019 – April 18, 2024 and a published date
should be clearly labeled – (you may reference earlier articles if they are mentioned in the timely article). In order to receive maximum credit students should summarize the article and describe how it relates to their overall policy topic.
Must be in ASA Format !!
My Policy Proposal was about On Enhancing Accountability Amongst Law Enforcement Personnel: 
I attached my paper policy make a topic based of the topic of my policy paper.
Please no plagarism submit a report .

Public relations

Title: The Crisis in Nicaragua: A Critical Analysis of Human Rights Violations and the Path to Progress Nicaragua, a small Central American country with a history of political turmoil, has once again found itself in a state of crisis. The

1500 essay. 
A critical analysis of the current political situation of Nicaragua. Evidence the human rights violation that are ongoing.
-Describe the policy 
-Present the challenges;
-Provide the criticisms
-Suggest the way forward

Public relations

Title: “Saving Lives: The Urgent Need for Safe Injection Sites in Philadelphia”

Powerful persuasive speech
Implement safe injection sites in Phila
Three topic
Use studies Statistic on total death in Phila and other countries and cities
Talk about how the site work and benefit Philadelphia
People’s concerns and refute and how do we respond to their concerns according to sources
What ages do people start using talk about how our children are firing
Use patos logos and significa g words

Public relations

“Persuasion and Public Opinion: Exploring the Role of Propaganda, Public Relations, and Influencers in Effecting Change”

A minimum of 7 journal articles (3 of which can be long news reports) critically analysed and 3 academic speakers to be listened to and critically analysed. keep a learning log throughout this process, showing reflection on their analysis and understanding.
You will pick ONE journal or news article (750 words) and ONE academic speaker, use the speaker I have sent in (750 words) from your term and write as the final write-up (1500 words in total).
You will continue with your weekly learning log which needs to include a paragraph on what you already knew about the topic/journal/speaker that week and on reflection, what you learned or how your opinion was changed.
You will then pick ONE journal or news article (750 words) and ONE academic speaker (750 words) from your term and write as the final write-up (1500 words in total)
Aims and objectives
The module examines the influence of persuasive techniques of communication on public opinion and effecting change. It examines the role of propaganda as a means of communication and persuasion. It deals with its definitions, content and intent as well as with other methods of producing change. It involves study and critical assessment of the role and evolution of propaganda in history and the development of Public Relations – first as a governmental department of communications. There will be in-depth analysis of case studies from around the world that have produced change through the use of public information campaigns. This will provide opportunity to assess how public information campaigns as well as communications departments have developed in the recent past and how politics has developed in real time with technology. Finally, the module will explore the role of public opinion and how influencers have challenged opinion leaders, a burgeoning area of academic study based on the idea that traditional party politics are increasingly being replaced by the intersection of politics, public opinion and protest participation.

Public relations

Title: Lunch and Learn: Engaging Faculty in Service-Learning and Community Engagement

You are doing the lunch and learn tactic – here is the paper requirements for the whole paper and what I have already turned in. The only thing you need to do is what is written below including the canvas video etc. Can pay a little extra IF YOU CAN DO THIS. I added the proposal from my group to give you an idea.
I will give you a list of faculty and why in a couple of hours.
· You’ll develop catered lunch and learn plan with a focus on faculty that will include:
o A 200-word overview of the event
§ Who is the target audience?
§ What will it involve?
§ Why will it be successful?
o Catering information and any other associated costs
o A detailed agenda for the event – What will happen there and when?
· In addition to the plan, you’ll provide a list of at least three potential faculty with SLCE experience that might be invited to present. This list will include a 50-word explanation for each explaining why they would be a good fit.
· Third, you’ll create a flyer through Canva or Piktochart that could be used around campus to advertise the event and a short 1-2 minute video through Canva with music and graphics that could be posted online to promote the event
· In addition to the plan, you’ll design one give-away item that can be handed out at the event
· Finally, you’ll also have:
o Budget including printing, catering information, etc.
o Timeline including sending material to printers, publicizing the event on campus, contacting presenters, etc.
o 150-word evaluation plan with at least two ways to evaluate

Public relations

Personal Financial Planning: Creating a Comprehensive Plan for Financial Success

Please find pdf of textbook attached.
Description of Project:  The students can utilize their personal situation or a family member, business associate, etc.  The primary goal is to develop a plan encompassing the following topics.  First, develop a monthly budget tracking expenses over one to two months.  Compare the monthly expenses to monthly income and forecast out into the future in a general way.  Second, discuss setting up an emergency fund covering six months of expenses.  Describe in detail how you plan on achieving this goal.  Third, describe a plan for repaying student loan debt, credit card debt, auto debt etc.  Fourth, Describepersonal income and career goals over the short and long term.  Lastly, describe your retirement planning strategy with specific goals of monthly amounts of savings, general types of investments and estimated rates of return.  Describe how much you estimate you will accumulate over the long term based on your underlying assumptions.
Learning Outcomes:  Explain various concepts and strategies outlined in the text as you prepare the report.  Describe in detail any and all assumptions made in preparing the report.  Apply concepts from the textbook and other sources and how you utilized them in developing the plan.  You are welcome to use outside sources, websites, retirement calculators, etc.  Utilize the information in the book and discussion with the professor, outside sources or industry professionals in developing the overall plan.  Analyze and discuss what you learned from doing the plan and the benefits for your future.
Assessment:  The plan will be assessed by the professor with regard to inclusion of the key parts of the plan and utilization of key concepts covered in the book and by the professor and outside sources.  The key will be covering the major areas – budget, emergency fund, debt repayment and retirement strategy.  The report should be a minimum of 5 to 10 pages including graphs, charts, etc.  The plan must be submitted prior to taking the final exam.