Racial and Ethnics

“Unpacking Personal Experiences: An Analysis of Race and Racialization in Everyday Life”

The paper must be 4-6 pages long and must use at least five different texts either from class or outside sources to analyze and contextualize the analysis in which they will be conducting. When writing the paper, consider (but are not limited to) the following questions:
How do matters of race and racialization shape your personal lives? How can you apply course themes to an analysis of your daily life?
What are ways you can contextualize your lived experiences through Ethnic Studies frameworks?
How does your impression of your experience change in face of the class? How is this significant?
How do your experiences expose the ways the American state works?
How does your individual experience tie into broader structures and institutions? In other words, how does it illuminate the way broader structures of power are functioning?
How do your experiences illuminate the way legacies of racial violence continue to permeate today’s society?
Other helpful tips:
Please note this is an analytical paper in which students must make a supported, contextualized argument (rather than a mere detailing of past experiences.)
The “aspect” of your life in which you write about can be anything that compels you; you can analyze the racial politics of your favorite vacation spot, your past educational experiences, a favorite restaurant, a movie you’ve recently seen, any hobby you might have, family histories.
Look ahead on the syllabus for future topics to help with conceptualizing your paper.
Students are strongly recommended to first speak to me before moving forward with the assignment.
In order to stagger the writing process, students will have various assignments related to the writing of the final paper due throughout the quarter. These assignments include a proposal, an annotated bibliography, an outline, a working thesis, and a rough draft. Please note, while these assignments are graded on a credit/no credit basis, failing to complete them will impact the overall score of your final paper. All writing assignment must be submitted through the course website. The assignments are as follows.