Reclaiming the Power from the Domination System

“Christian Action for Ethical Transformation: A Plan for Addressing Contemporary Issues”

The source required is, “The Powers That Be” by Walter Wink. Other sources suggested could be from Wink’s trilogy, Naming, Unmasking and Embracing the Powers.
Directions: Your assignment is to develop, in response to a
selected contemporary ethical issue now facing society, a written plan of Christian
action for the particular Christian community to which you belong. (Note: You
must write in complete sentences. No outlines. No bullet-point presentations.)
Note: Your essay should be informed by and discuss at least one TSE 120
assigned text.
1. Your paper should begin by identifying and describing the ethical norms and
values of your Christian community. Which ethical principles are most important
to your community? How would your community describe what ethical human
and an ethical human society look like?
2. Next, select one ethical issue now facing society that is being debated by
opposing sides. Discuss why and how your Christian community’s ethical norms
and values call on your community to take a strong stand on this issue.
3. Lastly, develop a plan for your community to take a proactive stand on this
issue. What are some of the practical, nuts-and-bolts aspects of your plan that
make sure it “has teeth,” that is, directly contributes to solving the selected
problem. (Your plan, in other words, can include but must also go beyond just
preaching and teaching.) How does your community’s plan, if implemented,
contribute to the moral improvement and/or ethical transformation of society?
How does your community’s planreflect the good news of Jesus Christ?