Recreation Therapy

Recreation-Based Intervention Plans for Various Disabilities and Populations

1. Develop FIVE (5) Recreation-Based Intervention Plans (RBIP)
 1 RBIPs for “Mobility Disabilities” – Spinal Cord Injury
 1 RBIPs for “Sensory Impairments” – Persons Who Are Blind and Deaf—Deaf-blind 
 1 RBIPs for “Mental Health Disabilities” – ADHD
 1 RBIPs for “Health-Related Disabilities” – COVID
 1 RBIPs for “Older Adults in a Long-Term Care Setting” -use pdf
* An IBRP can be an activity such as a simple recreational game (e.g., tag game, board game, etc). An RBIP
can also be a program such as aquatic exercise program, tai chi program, etc. Or an RBIP can take a form of
education (lecture, seminar, workshop, etc.). That is, based on your expertise areas, you may creatively develop
potential and possible intervention plans. However, again, the plan must be a Recreation (or Leisure)-based.
You may NOT get any credits for the plans that are NOT Recreation-Based.
Each (RBIP) should have a reference
2. Each Recreation-Based Intervention Plan (RBIP) will include the following components:
1. Title of the Recreation-Based Intervention Activity/Program (1 pt.)
2. Characteristics of the target group (e.g., disability/illness, age group, number needed, other
characteristics) (1 pt.)
3. Equipment, material, or supplies needed (1 pt.)
4. Purposes/Goals (1 pt.)
5. Anticipated Outcomes (1 pt.)
6. Directions for the Activity – Descriptions on what you will do during an actual group session
(e.g., Content / Process / Rules / Directions, etc.) (1 pt.)
7. Potential Processing Questions (1 pt.)
8. Justification(s) of the activity (why or why this activity/program works) (1 pt.)
9. Any possible variation(s) (modifications) of the Plan (1 pt.)
10. Reference(s) (1 pt.) 

Recreation Therapy

“Exploring the Ethics and Philosophy of Leisure: Preparing for a Recreational Therapy Internship”

Please download and use the Leisure Philosophy & Ethics pdf as your only reference/source. The page numbers are at the bottom of the book. For question 4, you can discuss how you are preparing to graduate and get your Recreational Therapy intership.

Recreation Therapy

Title: “The Power of Play: Utilizing Recreation Therapy to Improve Quality of Life”

Write a Recreation therapy base script in which you find a type of therapy/intervention, such as pet therapy or aquatic therapy, etc..… that helps those who need it and also create the main focus of the script on why leisure, recreation, and play are important to those individuals.
– Answer each question as if it were in a presentation or scripted 
1. Identify clearly your audience (Ex: Older adults affected by Dementia, Individuals in Substance Abuse Recovery, Individuals with Physical Disabilities)
2. State a problem that the audience is experiencing. This problem should be backed up with data & include a source. (Ex: People are having negative side effects with medication
“According to source…  “
3.  Show expertise and present how recreation therapy is helpful for 
“Do not worry, as a recreation therapy major, we have a solution…” 
4. Present the solution with more info (Ex: animal-assisted therapy,
Ex: “Teens who participate in extracurricular activities at least twice a week have a higher GPA, and are less likely to abuse substances…”
Ground your solution in an evidence-based/data-driven solution and include a source.
5. End with a call to action (state how you will contribute to reducing the problem stated above as a recreation therapist.
Ex:“Find a recreation therapist near you who specializes in pet therapy: animal-assisted therapy, help your loved one affected by dementia…”

Recreation Therapy

Title: “Unlocking the Power of Recreation Therapy: A Philosophy Presentation”

The purpose of this assignment is for you to explore your personal philosophy of leisure, recreation, and play. Developing your philosophy is an important part of becoming a recreation professional and should guide your personal life and professional practice. This infomercial should present your well thought-out, articulate, and passionate beliefs about your chosen profession: RECREATION THERAPY, and the value of leisure, recreation, and play through the historical, scientific and philosophical foundations of the profession.
Base your Philosophy Presentation off of the “ Did You Know” PDF – pay special attention to page 21-43
Chosen profession: RECREATION THERAPY
Be as creative as you choose to be. The presentation is just a starting point to aid your creativity in crafting a well thought out purpose for your major in college, and anticipated occupation. You can be funny, you can be serious, or both. Be as creative as possible.
Develop a script that highlights the most important thing you have to say about your fundamental beliefs regarding the Recreation profession: RECREATION THERAPY
Your Script should include the following  5 steps for script writing:
Identify clearly your audience- who will your infomercial be directed to?
(parents of kids you want to attend your afterschool program?
(donors for your non-profit recreation agency?)
(the City Council or Parks commission?)
(a new vendor for your special event business?)
State a problem that audience is experiencing
Ground this problem in data & include a source
Ex: Most kids are at risk for violent crime, vehicle accidents, drugs, etc between the hours of 3pm-7pm
Show expertise and present the solution
Make the case for your Major- and how it’s prepared you to deal with this problem; for example:
For example: Recreation majors are trained to organize, implement, and evaluate recreation programs for youth
Present the solution
Ground your solution in an evidence based/data driven solution and include a source;
For example: you may  use google scholar such as Teens who participate in extracurricular activates at least twice a week have a higher GPA, and are less likely to abuse substances (source)
End with a call to action (state how you will contribute to reducing the problem stated above as a recreation professional in your field.
Some Script Examples:
“Leisure Time Physical Activity”
“Be Active – Stay Healthy”
Check Rubric.