Refugees religion and politics

Title: “The Universal Definition of a Refugee: Challenges and Solutions for Sustainable Resettlement”

The essay should be between 1,200 and 2,000
words (excluding the list of references) in a WORD format, Times New
Roman font, 12 font size, and double spaced).
Required to cite and quote from at least 4
different readings examined in this course. –         
After defining the universal definition of a
refugee, as laid out in the 1951 Geneva Convention, discuss the contexts of its
elaboration including the parameters that defined its “overarching” agency
(i.e, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees), the silences and
challenges of this definition, especially in relation to its geographic scopes
and the 21st century realities. Several observers and institutions have
suggested a three-fold durable solution approach to most refugee crises –
repatriation, integration, and resettlement. Yet others like Roger Zetter,
Sedef Arat-Koc and Bhupinder Singh Chimni have raised concerns not only on how
refugees are labelled and perceived, but more importantly how refugee studies
and policies have been conceived. Critically analyze, compare, and assess each
solution before determining from your own perspective with specific illustrations
which one(s) is/are sustainable/ durable (and why)?