Research methods

Title: Exploring Academic and Non-Academic Resources on Cyberbullying: Insights and Implications Summary and Analysis of Academic and Non-Academic Resources on Cyberbullying Academic Resource 1: Title: “Cyberbul

For this assignment, you will use your library search skills to find two academic resources related to your topic area and general research skills to find one non-academic resource (look for a news article from a reputable publication or a government report). You will enter the three in your citation manager of choice and use it to generate your in-text citations (in the newest APA format) and a references section at the end of the document.
You will:
1. Briefly summarize (not direct quoting unless extremely relevant) and appropriately cite your sources to avoid plagiarism, each of the three resources.
2. Provide a one-to-two page analysis of what these resources mean for the topic area you have chosen. What key insights can be taken away? 
Upload your word document with references directly here

Research methods

Title: Personal Reflection on Data Collection Methods in a Research Study

I have to answer this question (rather shortly) considering the study that i have attached, but it has to have a personal opinion (like ithink this makes sense because…or i would hae done that…).
The question is : Were the data collected in the same way from all
participants (method, procedure, etc.)?

Research methods

Title: Exploring Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Religion: A Study of [Religion Name]

Students will collect the information and format a 10- to 12-slide presentation. Your presentation should include your research on all the following prompts, in the given order.
Cultural and DEI issues
1. Describe 3-4 salient features that make this religion distinct from other religions.
How is spirituality understood in the religion?
3. How flexible is the religion in accepting alternative interpretations of scriptures, religious rules, and regulations?
4. How strictly do the followers adhere to the rules and guidelines in the scriptures
creates challenges for the staff who wish to support everyone yet still respect those who follow traditional religious
doctrines. The organization’s leaders do not want to exclude or alienate anyone.
Sometimes the FCC hosts fundraisers that celebrate LGBTQIA issues and identity. Other times the FCC has honored the
accomplishments of women who have taken leadership roles typically reserved for men in their respective religions.
Some believe the FCC’s leadership has preferred to hire those who actively practice their religion versus those who
identify as non-religious, which could amount to religious discrimination.
1. How might your chosen religion respond to the FCC’s approach toward gender inclusion? Given what you know
about gender in your chosen religion, do you think this religion would welcome having a woman leader?
2. How might your chosen religion respond to the FCC’s approach toward LGBTQIA inclusion? Do you think your group
would disapprove of the FCC hosting wedding receptions and fundraisers for the LGBTQIA community?
3. How has your group experienced discrimination based on religious affiliation? How do you think religious
discrimination can be avoided in our society and the workplace?
4. How would you recommend other similar organizations be equitable, diverse, and inclusive of everyone in their
Presentation format
Title slide – Religion’s name, your name, and Galen institution’s name.
Content slides – 10-12 (Excluding the title and references slides), your presentation should include your research on all
the prompts, in the given order above. You may go beyond the slide limit.
Conclusion – Synthesize a summary of your content into a conclusion slide. Which aspects stood out for you, and how did
learning about this religion contribute to your cultural competency?
Last Slide(s) – References in APA format. Include in-text citations in the body of the slides.

Research methods

“Reinventing American Healthcare: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Affordable Care Act” The name of the author Ezekiel J. Emanuel, MD, PhD, is an American oncologist, bioethicist, and healthcare policy expert

For this assignment provide the following information about your book in at least 300 words.
Name of book and author
Overall topic of the book
What are some of the major ideas presented in your book?
What are some of the challenges it discusses?
What are some of the solutions it proposes?
The name of the book
Emanuel, E. (2014). Reinventing American Healthcare: How The Affordable Care Act Will Improve our Terribly Complex, Blatantly Unjust

Research methods

“The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health: A Literature Review and Proposal for Future Research”

Research Paper Proposal
• Abstract
• Introduction
o Background o Operational Definition
• Literature Review
different kinds of 7 peer reviewed articles related to my title.
> Starting with most recent articles and then backward. Describe findings & conclusions (group the articles by themes).
What’s Knowns & Gaps: Based on the Lit. Review identify what is known & Gaps.
Purpose & Significance of the study
Research Questions & Hypotheses. (Hi, Hoz, Hz, Hoz, etc.).
• Methodology (research design such as descriptive, cross-sectional, correlational, etc.)
Sampling (convenience, snowball, etc.)

Overall Summary.
• Note: Follow APA style as stated on the syllabus.

Research methods

Title: Reflection on Chapter Readings and Video: Exploring the World of Research As I reflect on the chapter readings and the video, I am struck by the vast world of research and the endless possibilities it holds. This is not entirely new

Reflect on the chapter readings and the video.
Write a reflection paper on your thoughts about what you have learned thus far. 
Is this primarily new content for you? Explain your answer.
What intrigues you the most so far?
What is your reaction to the video? Do you agree or not that research is cool?  Explain your answer.

Research methods

Title: Exploring the Relationship between Democracy and Economic Development: A Comparative Study Using Freedomhouse and V-Dem Data

*The paper is due on the 30th of may but I need the abstract by 23rd of may at midnight or 24th 8am at the latest.*
instructions about the abstract:
Length: Around 150 words. 
Content and structure (based on Powner 2015, chapter 9, pp. 2-3)
*i will attach a file with this chapter for reference*:
1) The research question: What puzzle, paradox, or gap motivates this research?
2) The scholarly context: What have others said—or not said—that matters to me? How does my work fit into the existing literature? What’s the current explanation for my dependent variable?
3) The alternative argument: What is my claim? What do I think is wrong with or missing from the literature? What is my original contribution, what is the added value of my project?
4) The testing method: How will I demonstrate support for my alternative claim? What method(s) will I use, what data do I need?
5) Summary of (anticipated) results: What do I expect to find? 
instructions about the assignmnent as a whole:
For the final paper, each student designs an empirical study with democracy as cause or effect. This assignment consists of two parts. First, the abstract. Each student will upload their abstract on the Course Forum before the final session. Length: around 150 words. The abstract is graded. The template can be found in Powell (2015, ch. 9, pp. 2-3). The second part of the assignment is a short paper (800 word maximum, everything included) that follows the same structure as the abstract but provides more information and includes a bibliography.
you can use whichever sources you see reasonable but recommended are Freedomhouse and VDem. in text citation Chicago style is required. 

Research methods

“Exploring the Role of Peer-Reviewed Literature in Understanding Mental Health”

Please follow the instructions, The 8 peer-reviewed must be associated with the main topic which is on mental health.

Research methods

“Exploring the Goals and Challenges of Social Research: A Reflection on the Reading”

Write a reflection in response to the reading. Proofread your writing to make it as error-free as possible. The best posts include direct references to the readings. If you would like to include a quote from the chapters, be sure and quote exactly and use quotation marks. (A proper APA in-text citation includes the author last name, year, and page number in parentheses. Since one of the readings does not have an author name attached, you can just put “How do we know what we know?” in parenthesis if you quote from that source.)
Respond to two of the following prompts. You can also write about other aspects of the reading that particularly interest you.
What are the main goals of social research and how do they contribute to our understanding of society and human behavior? ​
How does the scientific method differ from common sense in terms of gathering and analyzing data? ​Describe some examples of the ways that common sense can fail us. 
Why is it important to approach social research with a critical perspective? 
Think about some ways that informal observation can lead to some faulty conclusions. Can you think of specific examples in which your own beliefs, or those of others, have led to “selective observation” or “overgeneralization”?
Why do you think people are sometimes reluctant to accept scientific consensus about certain topics (like measles vaccinations or man-made climate change)?
Have these readings prompted you to think about topics of interest that you might want to research for this class? (You do NOT have to take your topic from any of the subject areas that have been discussed here, but you might.) Discuss what makes you curious about this subject and perhaps ways that the public may have misconceptions about it.

Research methods

Title: Protecting Patient Data: The Role of Risk Analysis and Internet Security in HIPAA Compliance

The HIPAA security requirements place significant emphasis on risk analysis, especially now that electronic healthcare technology is the norm. All hospitals not only have to work with their healthcare workers, but also third-party contractors, vendors, and solo practitioners; and they must identify and address the appropriate security options to ensure the security of data.
The use of the internet is perhaps the biggest threat to data leaks. Do you agree? 
When transmitting data over the internet, what are some ways the hospital IT can ensure that the data remains private?