Reverse Logistics Management

Title: The US Retreat from the Kyoto Accords: Weighing the Pros and Cons

Individual Assignment Instructions:
Research in a library and Write a three to five page APA formatted essay on the pros and cons of the US retreat from the Kyoto Accords.

Reverse Logistics Management

“Efficient Redeployment: A Comparison of Military and Commercial Logistics Strategies”

Military and Commercial Logistics
Individual Assignment Instructions:
Research the library for articles describing a redeployment
effort. It can be any reverse logistic topic affecting military operations. For
ideas, and for possible reference material, use the articles listed in the
Individual Assignment Resources. Be sure to back any assertions and/or personal
opinions with authority (library articles, for example). Develop the paper in
conformance with APA criteria. The length should be two-pages, excluding title
page and reference page. Use at least three library articles (articles from
class count toward the three library article requirement).
Individual Assignment Resources:
Kindberg, S. B., & Gallo, A. L.
(2006). Innovation in redeployment: The 1st infantry division returns
from Iraq. Army Logistician, 38(3), 30.
(Also available in the eReserves
Learning Material folder for this week.)
Rutner, S. M., Aviles, M., &
Scott, C. (2012). Logistics evolution: A comparison
of military and commercial logistics thought. The
International Journal of Logistics Management, 23(1), 96-118. doi

Reverse Logistics Management

“Analyzing the Challenges and Solutions in Military and Commercial Logistics: A Critical Thinking Perspective”

Military and Commercial Logistics
Week 3 Discussion Board
Read the Rutner article and provide your reaction to the situation and the way the challenges were resolved.  Use critical thinking to assess what assumptions should be validated in order for conclusions and actions to be the right ones.
Discussion Board Resources
Rutner, S. M., Aviles, M., & Scott, C. (2012). Logistics evolution: A comparison of military and commercial logistics thought. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 23(1), 96-118. 

Reverse Logistics Management

“Integrating Concepts of Reverse Logistics and OEM Reverse Logistics: A Comparative Analysis of Multiple Authors”

Individual Assignment Instructions:
For the individual assignment, create an
“integration essay” addressing the concepts related to reverse
logistics and/or OEM reverse logistics.  To accomplish integration, locate
multiple articles. They can be periodical magazine articles or
journal articles. Compare and contrast the ideas of multiple authors. Brief
summaries of the authors’ ideas are appropriate. However, most of the essay
should match to the verbs in the Bloom’s Taxonomy diagram. Select the
application and analyze a portion of the diagram to develop an acceptable
master’s level essay. Notice the product content of the article.
Be sure to apply APA formatting and include scholarly
articles to develop the essay discussion points.
For those who have not written an integrated essay or
are not sure,  here is a link that gives a good overview of what is
Individual Assignment Resources:
Submission Instructions:
•Written communication: Written communication is free of
errors that detract from the overall message.
•APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA style
and formatting.
•Length of paper: typed, double-spaced pages of two-pages in length.
•Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

Reverse Logistics Management

“Exploring the Challenges of Reverse Logistics: A Discussion on the Attributes that Make Reverse Logistics Processes More Difficult than Forward Logistics”

Discussion Board
Review each resource listed for this week (see below).
Discuss the attributes in reverse logistics that make reverse logistics
processes more difficult than forward logistics. Interact with others in the
class and debate each others’ findings.
Circular economy strategies for mitigating
critical material supply issues
Gaustad Gabrielle, K., Mark, Bustamante, Michele, Badami,
Kedar. (2018). Circular economy strategies for mitigating critical material
supply issues. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 135, 24-33.
He, Q., Ghobadian, A., Gallear, D., Beh, L.-S., &
O’Regan, N. (2016). Towards conceptualizing reverse service supply chains. Supply
Chain Management: An International Journal, 21(2), 166-179.
Reverse Logistics: A monogram- Chapter 2
Walde, J. L. (2001). Reverse
logistics: A monogram. Army
command and general staff Coll Fort Leavenworth KS School of Advanced Military
W 1 Towards_conceptualizing_reverse Service Logistics.pdf
1 Circular economy strategies for mitigating critical material supply
1 2 Reverse Logistics A Monograph.pdf