Science and Human Nature

Exploring the Intersection of Race and Cardiovascular Health: An Analysis of Health Literacy

Produce a paper about the ways you sought material about race and cardiovascular
health and what that material tells you about health literacy. I will add required texts below.◼ 5 pages
◼ 1” margins
◼ double-spaced
◼ no extra spaces between paragraphs. If you do not know how to take out extra spaces
between paragraphs, Google it.
◼ 12 pt font
◼ no more than 1 block quotation; add ½ page to the 5 page minimum if you use a block
◼ if you use an idea from a peer in class, cite them!
◼ Do not use AI to complete or edit *any* of your work. If you are found to be in violation of
this rule, you will be reported to Honor Council. Even if I suspect AI use, but cannot tell
for sure, you will be reported to Honor Council for investigation. Some professors allow
AI use for a) generating topics, b) editing text, or for other purposes. I do not allow AI
use at all. I cannot overstate this.
◼ Please add the Honor Pledge at the bottom of the paper, with your signature or typed
◼ If you find writing difficult or run up on the deadline, I would rather you turn in a short
paper than turn in one in which you’ve used AI.