Security guard

“Exploring the Impact of Formal Leadership Training on Job Satisfaction and Trust in Armed and Unarmed Security Services”

RQ 1. To what extent does formal leadership training increase
employees’ job satisfaction?
RQ 2. How can  formal leadership training build and sustain
trust between supervisor and employee trust?
Research question 1 focused on the fundamental question of “what”
and “extent.” The research must understand to what extent formal
leadership training impact  job
satisfaction in Armed and Unarmed Security Service . Understanding the
significance of effective leadership, training, communication, and trust
builds, the research examined how those elements impact employees’ leadership
training. Recommending an appropriate leadership approach and formal training
should contributes to establishing trust, training, and communication  within the organization.
Research question 2 focused involving constant improvement process
concepts may help determine systemic causes for the lack of formal leadership
development at different levels for security enforcement officers, such as
managing the numerous benefits of effective leadership (Turner, Baker,
Schroeder, Johnson, Chung, 2018). Discuss the importance of how leadership
training will improve employee development and commitment, especially when
leadership training is enforced and implemented within Armed and Unarmed
Security Service organizations.
My findings deterimed that secuity guards needs on the job training, strong leadership present, Leaders who care for their subordinates, in class secuity guard training is important,  equip security guards with the proper equipment is important, and empomerment is important to maintain job happiness. 

Security guard

Title: A Comparative Analysis of Findings and Literature in the Field of Psychology

Discuss how the findings relate to the literature with a focus on
both similarities and differences