Social constructs

Title: Intersectionality and Inequity in Family Dynamics: Exploring the Impact of Social Constructs

To prepare for your final presentation, you should create a preliminary outline in a Word document to help guide your discussion on your final topic. Your final presentation should have a minimum of five slides, however, for the sake of this outline you can briefly describe your main points and related evidence in at least three slides. After reviewing your outline, your instructor should have a solid idea of what your argument is and how you will be addressing it.
In addition, you will annotate three references that will be used to support your main points. An annotation is a brief 1-2 paragraph summary of what the article or source is about and how it is applicable to your paper. Articles selected should be either peer-reviewed or from a reputable media source (i.e. Wall Street Journal, New York Times, The Atlantic, etc.) and not from Wikipedia, Reddit, or other online forums. You can also use any of the videos, book chapters, and articles that we explored for this course.  
Discuss how two of the following social constructs (i.e. gender, race, socioeconomic status, LGBTQI+ identity, and immigration status) intersect to influence how families are formed, organized, and ultimately impact the individual. Additionally, explain how these different social constructs come with experiences of inequity. Be sure to discuss in detail what inequities are related to these social constructs as it pertains to the family’s ability to function.