Social welfare policy

Title: Precursors of the Reluctant Welfare State In the chapter “Empowerment Series: The Reluctant Welfare State,” the author discusses the precursors of the welfare state. These precursors can be traced back to the early

In Chapter Four, p. 122 from the  eTextbook: Empowerment Series: The
Reluctant Welfare State: Examine Precursors of the Reluctant Welfare State. 
Write a title, level one heading;
Write four paragraphs, five sentences minimum, PARAPHRASIING, rewriting the text in your own words, explaining the precursors of the welfare states, as described in the chapter.
Write a level one heading, Conclusion,
Write a fifth paragraph, summarize the prior work.                                         
Make sure to cite your sources in APA 7th edition format. Please be aware of the criteria used to grade assignments. Spelling, NO plagiarism, grammar and punctuation are counted in the grading criteria, therefore, please proofread your work before submitting it. 

Social welfare policy

The Views of Dr. Thomas Sowell on Social Welfare, Education, Society, and Racism Dr. Thomas Sowell, a renowned economist and social commentator, holds strong and controversial views on various societal issues. In the documentary on his life

After viewing the documentary on Dr. Thomas Sowell, write:
A Level One heading (title; centered and bolded).
Write four paragraphs, five sentences per paragraph (you can always write more paragraphs if necessary)
In these paragraphs, describe the basic view of Dr. Williams with respect to social welfare, education, society, racism, and the like.
Explain whether you agree with these views or not. Why or why not?
Write a fifth paragraph, Conclusion, (centered and bolded)
Summarize the prior material in the earlier paragraphs.
View the documentaries and interview with Dr. Thomas Sowell, in the Multi-Media folder

Make sure to cite your sources in APA 7th edition format. Please be aware of the criteria used to grade assignments. Spelling, NO plagiarism, grammar and punctuation are counted in the grading criteria, therefore, please proofread your work before submitting it. I’m