Sociolegal studies

Title: Understanding Key Concepts in Legal Pluralism and Colonial Recognition

Short answer: define and state the significance of Legality, and define and state the significance of legality. 
Length: 300 words per answer (+ or – 20wds)
Content: As these are not essay questions, no thesis statement is required. Your responses to the
short answer questions should define the Key Concept, demonstrate a solid understanding of the
concept in relation to the course material, and be written in proper sentence format. Weight will
be put on evidence that you have done the readings and attended lectures (i.e. you should make
sure to refer to specific readings and the lectures in your answers). Include intext citations with
last name and page number for texts and for lecture the week number and date.  
State key concepts in the readings: 
Weak legal pluralism
Strong legal pluralism
Doctrine of reception
Doctrine of discovery
Terra nullius
Colonial recognition
Context: I have already made a comprehensive rough copy of the answer, I essentialy need rewriting to achieve the following: 
a. match the rough writing style with the provided example of my other question
b. it is detected by AI 100%, so need to edit based on that,  copyleaks and turnitin check.  ai paraphrasing to minimum.
c. (IMPORTANT) since it is an ai generated rough copy/draft/outline, although I did put thought into the concepts, ai has difficulty with in text citations, having the correct in text citations is very important, must include page number for information taken.
d. The criteria specifies that you ” poove that you have read and understood the text”, in essense this implies making sure that the work definitions are not worded too directly, and also any terms are defined as if the person reading this question only had your paper to learn the concepts.
e. For the sake of getting word count, conclusions/intro summarizing the answer is not required.
extra note: if the work is good and within 2 hours, I will reorder. 
Thanks for considering!