Sociology Theory Course

“Exploring the Influences and Differences within Conflict Theory and Symbolic Interaction: A Comparative Analysis of Marx, Dahrendorf, Mills, Mead, Blumer, Goffman, and Hochschild”

Please do not use outside sources just the readings 
Exam 2 – Contemporary Social Theory
SOCY409 Knisley 
From the list below, choose one question from each group. Each question contains sub questions that should be answered separately as a one-page section of your paper. Please number or provide a header to distinguish parts a and b of the questions you choose.  Introduction and conclusion is not necessary. Minimum 4 pages, double-spaced (Aim for 1+ page for each sub question). 
Include intext citations for the texts of the specific theorists discussed and include a reference list at the end. 
Group 1
Conflict Theory
Demonstrate the influence of Marx on Conflict theory. Discuss Dahrendorf and Mills.
How does conflict theory differ from the theories of contemporary functionalists? (Compare Dahrendorf and Mills to Parsons, Davis & Moore, and Merton)
Group 2 
Symbolic Interaction
Demonstrate Mead’s influence on symbolic interaction. Discuss Blumer, Goffman, and Hochschild.
Use the philosophical distinction between epistemology and ontology to describe the difference between phenomenology and symbolic interaction. (Compare Schütz to Blumer)