Software Engineering

Class Diagrams for a TV/Movie Streaming Site

Make class diagrams for a fictional tv/movie streaming site. Class diagrams should cover all basic functionality around Users/accounts and Content/Libraries. It should have 1 examples of each of the following
Association (has-a)
Aggregation (has-a)
Composition (has-a)
At least 1 is-a relationship
Make sure your classes are thought out. They should each have a name, attributes, plurality and functions.
I uploaded my work but it’s messing and needs changes

Software Engineering

“Class Diagrams for a Fictional TV/Movie Streaming Site”

Make class diagrams for a fictional tv/movie streaming site. Class diagrams should cover all basic functionality around Users/accounts and Content/Libraries.
It should have 1 examples of each of the following
Association (has-a)
Aggregation (has-a)
Composition (has-a)
At least 1 is-a relationship
Make sure your classes are thought out. They should each have a name, attributes, plurality and functions.
I uploaded my work but it’s messing and needs changes

Software Engineering

“Roadmap to Becoming a Software Engineer: A Step-by-Step Guide”

how to became software engineer
Becoming a software engineer typically involves a combination of education, practical experience, and continuous learning. Here’s a general roadmap to help you become a software engineer:
1. Education:
Bachelor’s Degree:Pursue a bachelor’s degree in computer science, software engineering, or a related field. This provides a solid foundation in programming, algorithms, data structures, and computer science fundamentals.
Online Courses and Self-Study:Complement your formal education with online courses and self-study. Platforms like Coursera, edX, Udacity, and Khan Academy offer courses on various programming languages and software development topics.
2. Learn Programming Languages:
Choose a Language:Start with a language suitable for beginners such as Python, JavaScript, or Java. Each language has its strengths and use cases.
Practice:Code regularly to build your programming skills. Work on small projects to apply what you’ve learned and gain hands-on experience.
3. Build Projects:
Personal Projects:Create your own projects to solve real-world problems. This helps you apply your skills and build a portfolio to showcase to potential employers.
Contribute to Open Source:Contribute to open-source projects on platforms like GitHub. This not only helps you gain experience but also allows you to collaborate with other developers.
4. Gain Practical Experience:
Internships and Co-ops:Seek internships or co-op opportunities during your studies to gain practical experience and exposure to industry practices.
Freelancing:Take on freelance projects to broaden your experience and work on diverse projects.
5. Networking:
Attend Meetups and Conferences:Attend local meetups, conferences, and events to network with professionals in the field. This can lead to mentorship opportunities and job connections.
LinkedIn and Online Presence:Create a LinkedIn profile showcasing your skills, projects, and experience. Connect with professionals in the industry.
6. Stay Updated:
Continuous Learning:Software development is a rapidly evolving field. Stay updated on new technologies, frameworks, and industry trends through books, online articles, and courses.
Advanced Topics:Deepen your knowledge in areas such as algorithms, data structures, design patterns, and system architecture.
7. Prepare for Job Interviews:
Technical Interviews:Practice solving coding problems and participate in mock technical interviews. Websites like LeetCode and HackerRank offer coding challenges.
Resume and Portfolio:Ensure your resume highlights your skills, projects, and experiences. Include a portfolio showcasing your best work.
8. Apply for Jobs:
Job Search:Start applying for entry-level positions or internships. Use job boards, company websites, and networking to find opportunities.
Interviews:Ace technical interviews by showcasing problem-solving skills, communication, and a strong understanding of computer science principles.
Remember that becoming a software engineer is a continuous journey of learning and adapting to new technologies. Be persistent, build a strong foundation, and stay curious.

Software Engineering

Android Doodlz App Project Report

Final Project Report
A minimum of two-page Microsoft Word document that summarize the entire activity related to the project.
A title: Such as iOS Restaurant App Project Report
12 point Times New Roman font document body
Line spacing: 1.5
Font color: black
Include following contents when and where possible, but not limited to:
project descriptions and requirements
plans for next steps
must include one or more UML class diagrams, use case diagrams or other UML diagrams.
technical specifications
must include citations and bibliography for the authorized materials including textbook, Apple eBook, presentations files, Canvas Kaltura Media and or project files posted on Canvas. Do not use unauthorized source.
The Project is below:
Using Android Studio and the description in Deitel’s “Android How to Program” book “Chapter 5 Doodlz App” and the project zip file (please note, this file will not run as is, you can use Java files and XML files in this folder where possible to recreate this app, this project must be created with current version of Android Studio, which come with current Gradle versions, and Java SDK.), re-create the Android Mobile Application named “Doodlz”.
Use the “DeitelOrange.png” file posted here for the app’s launcher icon.
I recommend check “Use legacy libraries” at the initial project creation dialogue for each project, please see an example “New Project” dialogue:
IMPORTANT: Name your Android app “package” using naming format “com.YourFirstLastNames.Doodlz”.
Please note: your project must be exactly the same project described in the Deitel book and as demonstrated in class and the video, e.g, the number of Java files, Java filenames, logics, techniques, features, and the layout of the project must be exactly the same as described in the textbook, presentation, and the video.
You may find the videos posted on Canvas “Media Gallery” useful.