
Title: The Power of Fasting: Unlocking the Benefits for a Healthier Life

I need a 5 – 7 minuet powerpoint where I can create a voiceover on regarding the benefits of fasting below is the outline speech notes that nee to be added to powerpoint and please add to the presention making it reach 5-7 mins below are instructors instructions:
This speech adheres to all of the characteristics we’ve discussed thus far regarding informative speaking. A critical factor in this speech is organization. Demonstration speeches are not allowable for meeting this requirement. Topic selection is key in this presentation. Do not waste our time with the obvious. Search to find new and innovative ideas to share with us. Be imaginative and creative in developing your speech. Remember to be objective rather than persuasive. As one of the two major speech assignments in the course, rigor and critical thinking are essential for this assignment. Research should primarily be drawn from credible and/or scholarly publications.
Length – 5-7 minutes
Sources – 4 sources
Visual Aid – required