Sport and Entertainment Management

“Integrating Ethical Values and Career Goals: A Personal Research Project for a Future Sports Broadcaster”

For this project, the student will be asked to describe how he/she will integrate what was learned in this class into his/her life. The student will need to reflect on the textbook reading and case analyses as well as his/her own current and future career choices and the possible linkages between those prospects and who he/she is. This 8–10-page project involves research into his/her personal ethical code, and possible alternative career choices, or plans for the student’s future. In other words, the student will develop both 5- and 10-year goals of where he/she sees himself/herself, and then describe the path that he/she might take to reach those goals. 
The Personal Research Project must be written according to current APA formatting (which includes title page and reference page). A total of 10 scholarly references and citations are required.
The intent of this assignment is for the student to consider potential future careers for himself/herself. The student’s future could include: additional schooling, a job, a description of what an ideal job(s) look like, where the student wants to live, what kind of family life he/she would choose, and what responsibilities the student sees himself/herself taking on. Basically, this is a plan for where the student’s life is going over the next 10 years. As part of this project, the student will need to identify his/her vision (cause), mission, and values from an ethical standpoint. 
(The plan is to become a sports broadcaster)