Sports recreation

Title: Exploring Pain Management through Guided Meditation and Imagery

PART I: Find a YouTube video (or video from another source) of a guided meditation specifically for pain management (minimum of 15 minutes in length). Complete the full session and describe your experience. (i.e. did you enjoy it? Did you find it relaxing? What would you change about it? Would you recommend it to anyone else or ever use it in a therapeutic context?) Be sure to provide the name, length, and link of the video. 
PART II: Find OR write a script for a pain management meditation or guided imagery session, and lead at least one person (or group of people) through the full script (should be a minimum of 15 minutes long). Describe your experience being the facilitator and the reaction/experience of the people who participated. Be sure to include what your process was for choosing the script.  
PART III: If you had to choose an album to play in the background during a pain management session with a client, what album would you choose and why?