Systems Engineering

“Integrating Human Factors in Systems Engineering: Benefits, Challenges, and Best Practices”

Human systems engineering (HSE) seeks to ensure we address human considerations within systems engineering (SE) across the whole life cycle. It is important to consider HF methods and key areas of HF knowledge within SE, these might include human physical, cognitive, social, or organisational characteristics. Discuss the role of HF across the SE life cycle of a complex socio technical system, relating it to one or more identified themes. You may consider the following suggested themes in organising your answer:
• What are the benefits and challenges of the integration Human Factors (HF) throughout the systems engineering life cycle. • How do we include specialist knowledge of human factors into the practice of SE, and how does this relate to the skills of Systems Engineers and Subject Matter Experts?
• How does HSE relate to the normal practices of Model Based or Model Centric Systems Engineering?
• How and when do we bring human issues and experiences from operational use into the life cycle?
• How do changes in technology, or in the skill base of the system users and stakeholder, change the way we consider HF within the life cycle?
• Any other HF related issues you can identify, either from external sources or from your own experience?