
Interoffice Memo: Evaluation of Client Fears in “The Big Picture” Case

Using “The Big Picture” case at the beginning of Chapter 18 of the textbook, prepare an interoffice memo to the partner in your CPA firm responsible for the account of Emily.  The memo should address whether or not you feel that the fears of the client can be allayed and your reasons for your determination. Include 3 references[GNSH68K78ERQHLVFH750]/6[FNGZPRL8M99C0U4X4589]/4[DDHE5LFTJZPJX1G3G937]/6[JMKJ1LRMS09FZD6G3310]/10[LEYQK1HW08P3E3NVP974],/1:0,/1:0


Assignment 1: Tax Article Summary and Analysis – Week 1

1.  Applicable to “your assigned week”
Then make a post setting forth:
(a) the full name of the Article
(b) its citation (proper APA Format which includes a URL) and
(c) an informative summary of the article selected
(d) attach a copy of your article to your post 
** How to select an article 
Federal Individual Income Tax topics do not include articles related to corporation taxation, gift or estate taxes, or state or local taxes.
For example, in Week 1, the articles should be related to the topics from Week 1, such as tax compliance, the IRS and tax authorities.
The articles must relate to Federal Individual Income Tax topics and should be related to the topics which we are covering in this class for the week of your posting AND must be CURRENT. “Current” means articles applicable to Federal Individual Income Tax topics for tax years 2022 and after. Articles within the last 18 months are preferred.
Thus, to satisfy the 50 possible article points, you must (1) post your article as required above AND (2) post the article and your summary in the dropbox for Tax Article I or II. Part 2 of this requirement is very important. If you do not post your summary and the article to the dropbox, you will not receive any of the 50 possible points for your Article.