
Title: “Exploring the Text Set Design Process and its Impact on Students’ Literacy and Biliteracy Development in 8th Grade Math: A Metacognitive Approach”

Written Part of this Assignment: A three-page individual written summary that analyzes the text
set design process, its literacy content and its connection with students’ literacy and biliteracy
development. Include how these texts (some or all) will develop a students’ metacognitive awareness level.
I would also like for you to briefly name/discuss the actions a student needs to take to be successful
while completing this unit or lesson, list the guiding questions , name/list of resources
dierentiated by language and description of your culminating assignment that would prompt
discussion. *Also please answer the questions referenced in Muhammad pg. 145-150 (These pages can
be located in Canvas in our class Files). These questions seek to explain how the texts you chose explicitly
address your students’ identities, skills, intellect, and criticality.
I will be teaching math for 8th graders. The lesson will invole the CA Standard of Expressions and Equations 8.EE
I have included a screen shot in the files. 
I will be using resources from internet to games to text to apps. We will proably make corrections along the way. 


“My Journey to Bilingual and Biliterate Identity” Growing up in a bilingual household, language has always played a significant role in my life. My parents, who immigrated to the United States from Mexico, instilled in me the importance of being

Bilingual/Literacy Autobiography (Submitted to Canvas) 10 pts 
The literacy autobiography is an opportunity for you to reflect upon and consider the implications of your own literacy/bi-literacy history, both in and out of school. Reflect on how you were taught language and from whom? Think about the language(s) that you feel most comfortable speaking. Consider why that is.  With the concepts of translanguaging in mind, reflect on the classrooms you spent most time in.  What were the practices of your teachers? Did they practice translanguaging in any form (even if that means that they allowed someone to help you in L1).  What have you come to understand so far about  the relationship between literacy, learning, and teaching. (2 pages). Please also refer to page 17 of Garcia to better frame what I am asking of you.  *Note on Garcia pg. 17: Compare your bilingual/literacy experience with the description of a translanguaging classroom. To what extent was your experience similar or different? (Standards: 1, 3, 4, 5; TPE Elements: 1.1, 1.3, 1.5, 3.2, 3.3, 4.3, 5.3)