Teaching in a Diverse Society

My Cross-Cultural and Diversity Journey: Reflections on a Semester of Learning Introduction: Hello, my name is [Name] and I am a [Major] major. When I first signed up for this class, I was intrigued by the

The paper should be at least 4 or more pages in length, typed single spaced, Times New Roman, and 12-font size.
For the INTRODUCTION: Introduce yourself. What is your major? why were you interested in taking this class?
What has been your experience in a diversity class or workshops in the pass?  Explain your perception and understanding at the beginning of this class of your cross cultural and diversity awareness (influenced by your own cultural and ethnic attitudes, perceptions, beliefs, morals, values, and judgments) as well as influenced by your family and community experiences. (In other words, who were you when you first signed up for this class?)
What ah-ha moments can you share from each assignment? Ah-ha moments are new concepts, ideas or knowledge that clicked; or you discovered how a new insight or aspect of an anti-bias concept works for the first time, etc.
Here is a list of the core assignments.
Week 3 – Diversity terms and overview of USA diversity
Week 3 – Children and Prejudice
Week 5 – Racism
Week 7 – Culturally Responsive Care and Education and 
Religion (this was the first semester we added religion to the assignments. How did it impact your learning curve? 
Week 9 – Dual or Second Language or Learners – You were asked to complete a one-week curriculum plan for a dual language class based on the textbook format.  What did you learn from the process of completing a week’s curriculum for children? Were you proud of your curriculum? Were you afraid it was incorrect? Did you feel you needed the attention of the instructor in order to complete the task? What other challenges did you face in this assignment? OR 
What did the dual language interview do to assist your learning process?
Week 3, 13 and 15 – ISMs – What did you learn from the ISM’s assignment and the process of completing it alone and working with others?
Week 11 – Titles and Roles – What did you learn about biases? What did you learn about yourself when faced with them?
Week 14 – Culture and Poverty
Week 16 – Strategies for Culturally Relevant Anti Bias Curriculum 
Discuss how the text, videos, other readings assigned, and online research influenced your process of learning and understanding of diversity.
Did you find yourself having an attitude of openness to the information or did you struggle against it (meaning did you fight against, have denial about or refused to accept) some of the information? How did you protect yourself in this situation? What did you compromise in doing so?
How did you reconcile your personal values with the knowledge you found which goes against your upbringing and personal beliefs and values? Provide evidence and personal experiences to support your response.
What was missing for you in this learning process? As a result of this class, discuss in detail discuss your ability to teach in a diverse world.
Is there anything else you would like to share?
CONCLUSION:  It is important to have a strong conclusion, since this is the last chance, you have to make an impression on your reader. The goal of your conclusion isn’t to introduce new ideas, but to sum up everything you’ve written. Specifically, your conclusion should accomplish three major goals: 
To restate the main idea 
To summarize the major concepts from the paper.
Leave the reader with an interesting final impression.
(I have include my introduction & I would like the paper to be easy to read with simple vocabulary.)