
Title: “The Role of Tools in the Acquisition of Knowledge: An Exploration of TOK Theories”

Re write IB TOK exhibition from my draft and change 3rd object. Let me know if the objects dont work or if there is a need for additional info 
PROMPT: How Are Tools Important in the Acquisition of Knowledge? 
Refer to the IB TOK EXHIBITION rubric/guide. 
Needed changes/teacher comments:  
the exhibition should focus on theories of knowledge, and not only fields of knowledge. The word “tool” has been interpreted very loosely here, and the exploration of an argument very one-sided.
this moves on to a very technical explanation, but not yet an understanding of epistemology; “HOW do we know what we know?” – Beginning, 3rd sentence, ‘This amp shows epistemology
This is fine, but not really a strong argument due to the nature of the object, as this kind of musical knowledge may seem limited – Second to last sentence, reference to ‘musical knowledge’  
There is quite a bit about different fields of knowledge, but not really various THEORIES of knowledge. – Last Sentence  
This may or may not be considered a tool due to the nature of its publication and authenticity. This could be a very controversial choice and quite risky.
I recommend selecting another academic paper as a “tool”
This needs evidence and can be highly debated – ‘that transforms our financial systems’ 
This needs to be more clear in terms of explanation and evidence -‘financial systems/cryptocurrencies and blockchains.’ 
this is a little wordy, it could be better to use evidence rather than rhetoric as this is not an argument paper, inasmuch as an exploration of the acquisition of knowledge– how does this lead to gaining, learning, a specific type of financial knowledge? – 
ecosystem within imaginations, how a simplerandom document in the Internet 
what kind of knowledge is this and how can evidence be used to substantiate this idea?  – 
of its ideas, highlightingthe critical role of tools in expanding human knowledge 
are these long lasting and stable? – 
practical innovations that reshape entire field 
This example is used on this website: please find another. –
The Large Hadron Collider by CER
be more specific, and include what kind of knowledge – The LHC demonstrates the importance of scientific tools in theacquisition of knowledge.
* change to this object: Rosetta Spacecraft and Philae Lander 
Make sure to download my draft to see the feedbacks in more detail
explore more tok theory and linking back to question more.


Title: The Role of Tools in the Acquisition of Knowledge: An Exploration of Theories of Knowledge

please look at the files below 
PROMPT: How Are Tools Important in the Acquisition of Knowledge? 
Refer to the IB TOK EXHIBITION rubric/guide. 
Needed changes/teacher comments:  
the exhibition should focus on theories of knowledge, and not only fields of knowledge. The word “tool” has been interpreted very loosely here, and the exploration of an argument very one-sided.
this moves on to a very technical explanation, but not yet an understanding of epistemology; “HOW do we know what we know?” – Beginning, 3rd sentence, ‘This amp shows epistemology
This is fine, but not really a strong argument due to the nature of the object, as this kind of musical knowledge may seem limited – Second to last sentence, reference to ‘musical knowledge’  
There is quite a bit about different fields of knowledge, but not really various THEORIES of knowledge. – Last Sentence  
This may or may not be considered a tool due to the nature of its publication and authenticity. This could be a very controversial choice and quite risky.
I recommend selecting another academic paper as a “tool”
This needs evidence and can be highly debated – ‘that transforms our financial systems’ 
This needs to be more clear in terms of explanation and evidence -‘financial systems/cryptocurrencies and blockchains.’ 
this is a little wordy, it could be better to use evidence rather than rhetoric as this is not an argument paper, inasmuch as an exploration of the acquisition of knowledge– how does this lead to gaining, learning, a specific type of financial knowledge? – 
ecosystem within imaginations, how a simplerandom document in the Internet 
what kind of knowledge is this and how can evidence be used to substantiate this idea?  – 
of its ideas, highlightingthe critical role of tools in expanding human knowledge 
are these long lasting and stable? – 
practical innovations that reshape entire field 
This example is used on this website: please find another. –
The Large Hadron Collider by CER
be more specific, and include what kind of knowledge – The LHC demonstrates the importance of scientific tools in the acquisition of knowledge. 


Title: The Role of Tools in the Acquisition of Knowledge: Exploring Theories of Knowledge through Three Objects

PROMPT: How Are Tools Important in the Acquisition of Knowledge? 
Refer to the IB TOK EXHIBITION rubric/guide. 
Needed changes/teacher comments:  
the exhibition should focus on theories of knowledge, and not only fields of knowledge. The word “tool” has been interpreted very loosely here, and the exploration of an argument very one-sided.
this moves on to a very technical explanation, but not yet an understanding of epistemology; “HOW do we know what we know?” – Beginning, 3rd sentence, ‘This amp shows epistemology
This is fine, but not really a strong argument due to the nature of the object, as this kind of musical knowledge may seem limited – Second to last sentence, reference to ‘musical knowledge’  
There is quite a bit about different fields of knowledge, but not really various THEORIES of knowledge. – Last Sentence  
This may or may not be considered a tool due to the nature of its publication and authenticity. This could be a very controversial choice and quite risky.
I recommend selecting another academic paper as a “tool”
This needs evidence and can be highly debated – ‘that transforms our financial systems’ 
This needs to be more clear in terms of explanation and evidence -‘financial systems/cryptocurrencies and blockchains.’ 
this is a little wordy, it could be better to use evidence rather than rhetoric as this is not an argument paper, inasmuch as an exploration of the acquisition of knowledge– how does this lead to gaining, learning, a specific type of financial knowledge? – 
ecosystem within imaginations, how a simplerandom document in the Internet 
what kind of knowledge is this and how can evidence be used to substantiate this idea?  – 
of its ideas, highlightingthe critical role of tools in expanding human knowledge 
are these long lasting and stable? – 
practical innovations that reshape entire field 
This example is used on this website: please find another. –
The Large Hadron Collider by CER
be more specific, and include what kind of knowledge – The LHC demonstrates the importance of scientific tools in theacquisition of knowledge. 


“Breaking Away from the Past: The Benefits of Progress in History and Ethics”

The question “How might it benefit an area of knowledge to sever ties with its past?” invites you to explore how breaking away from old ideas can lead to progress. To understand this, we will compare two areas of knowledge: history and ethics. In history, moving away from traditional narratives can create a more inclusive and accurate understanding of the past. In ethics, abandoning outdated moral codes can result in more relevant and progressive principles. By examining these areas, we can see how leaving certain aspects of the past behind can drive positive change and innovation.


Title: Exploring the Boundaries of Knowledge through Three Objects 1st object: The Bible (New Testament) Exploration of the object (150 words): The Bible, specifically the New Testament, is a sacred text for Christians, believed to

Prompt question: what counts as knowledge 
Talk about 3 objects:
1st object: The bible (New Testament) 
2nd object: The history of Bulgarians by Macedonia’ book 
3rd object: up to you 
Make sure you follow the following structure for each object: Exploration of the object (150 words)- What does your object make you think about the prompt?/ How does your object link to the prompt? What does your object show about knowledge? How is your object specific? What does your object make you think about the different parts of the prompt? How can the object be used as a way to illuminate the prompt? 
Part 2:Exploration of the object and prompt more widely (150 words) – Is there another way you could think about your object and the prompt? What kinds of different perspectives might there be towards the prompt? How does the object support different approaches? Which TOK thinkers/ theorists/theories apply here? How? Why is your object useful for this exhibition? What made you choose it? How is the object personal to you? How does it help you understand the real world?