Transition in professional nursing

Enhancing Time Management, Self-Care, and Work-Life-School Balance Paragraph 1: Reflecting on my completed time management tool, I have identified a few changes that I need to make in order to ensure ample time is available to meet

Step 3: Answer all questions/criteria below with explanations and detail. No scholarly sources are required.  
Paragraph 1: Reflect on your completed time management tool. What changes are needed to ensure ample time is available to meet course requirements?
Paragraph 2: Identify and discuss two self-care strategies to enhance your resilience during your academic journey. How will you implement these strategies?
Paragraph 3: Review Orem’s self-care deficit theory. How will you use this theory to enhance your work-life-school balance?
Posts should meet the following criteria:
Engage in Meaningful Dialogue: Engage with peers and/or faculty by asking questions and offering new insights, applications, perspectives, information, or implications for practice.
Respond to a peer and/or faculty post.
Provide additional information or clarification in the reply post.
Add depth to the Collaboration Café.
Communicate Professionally: Communicate professionally on all posts.
Communicate clearly and concisely.
Communicate respectfully, civilly, and caringly.
Communicate with minimal errors in English grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation.
Participate: Participate during the assigned week. 
Post in the Collaboration Café at least two times.
Post in the Collaboration Café on two different days.