
Title: The Implications of Military Conflict between China and Taiwan in the Pacific Ocean The recent military exercises conducted by China around Taiwan have raised concerns about the potential for a major international event in the Pacific Ocean. This issue has garnered attention due to

Extract A
China has started two days of military exercises around Taiwan, with its military calling them “strong punishment” for the self-ruled island’s “separatist acts”. The drills come three days after the inauguration of President William Lai, who called on China to stop threatening the island and accept the existence of its democracy. China sees Taiwan as a breakaway province that will eventually be under Beijing’s control, but the island sees itself as distinct. Taiwan’s defence ministry condemned the Chinese drills as “irrational provocations”. Taipei dispatched naval, air, and ground forces to “defend the [island’s] sovereignty”, its defence ministry said. Thursday’s drills for the first time simulated a full-scale attack, Taiwanese military experts said, rather than an economic blockade. The exercises took place all around the main island, and for the first time also targeted the Taipei-controlled islands of Kinmen, Matsu, Wuqiu and Dongyin which lie close to the Chinese coast, according to maps released by China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA). 
Ng, Kelly, and Rupert Wingfield-Hayes. “China holds military drills around Taiwan as ‘strong punishment’.” BBC News, 23 May 2024
Using your own research and considering Extract A, explain why military conflict between the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of China in the Pacific Ocean would be a major international event. 
In your answer, you should:
structure your writing with clear organisation,
include your own research,
develop a strong viewpoint on the issue,
fully support your argument,
write with objective language.
450 words.
Please provide links to the articles/research you use, and embed quotes needed throughout the paper.


“The Complex History of Kosovo: From Reconciliation to Independence”

Mention alot of people and dates include reconcilation of blood, annexation of Kosovo by Serbia, terror and violence against Albanians Albanian constitutional changes demonstration Abolition of the Albanian autonomy Albanian political , war in kylsyre and likoshan and Çirez and Gllogjan, NATO bombing Serbia All the massacres Consequences of war Kosovo independence declaration in and Kosovos war abt the Presheva Bujanoc and Medvegja valley