WestCivSince Ref

“Understanding Final and Intermediate Goods: Definitions and Examples”

Explain the difference between final and intermediate goods, and give an example of each.120 word 
Participation in Discussions requires at least one meaningful post about 120 words long.
Explain the difference between final and intermediate goods, and give an example of each.
Participation in Discussions requires at least one meaningful post about 120 words long.
Explain the difference between final and intermediate goods, and give an example of each.
Participation in Discussions requires at least one meaningful post about 120 words long.

WestCivSince Ref

Exploring Perspectives on the Civil Rights Movement: A Review of Primary and Secondary Sources

Read all of the pieces in the Readings link above. Be sure to take notes or highlight important parts for yourself– consider what the author is trying to tell us or argue and how they go about doing so. Be sure to note that the readings are divided into categories– Primary Sources (created during the time period), Scholarly Sources (secondary sources written after the time period by historians), History Through Literature (poems and novels and other literary works), Visual Sources (images and maps), and History Through Other Disciplines (a short essay on the question as seen from non-history disciplines).
In your post, try to include the following:
A summary of at least two of the scholarly source excerpts focusing on what you think the main arguments of each piece are.
A summary of at least two primary source excerpts identifying some key points in each.
A discussion of how one of the literary, visual, or other discipline sources helps us understand the larger question.
Your thought on the larger question of the reading collection (the question is at the top) are based on what you read.
Be sure to use supporting details and quotes from the pieces in your summaries and discussions as evidence for your points.