Womens Gender Studies

“Three Generations of Honduran Women: A Journey of Cultural Identity and Resilience” Introduction: The cultural identity of an individual is shaped by a multitude of factors, including their family history, upbringing, and societal influences. In this research essay

I have already written some, but feel free to scrap and adjust as much as you’d like. It is essential to see the prompt for this paper. Take as much creative freedom as you need and fill in the gaps. My research essay follows three generations, of my mom and grandmother both born in Honduras, then to me as I was born in the United States. In the Suggestions file I added, you can include additional information on my great grandmother but is not required. Please reach out to me if you have any questions or such. The phone calls added in the files are a conversation with my mom and I. Thank you. Apa format.

Womens Gender Studies

“Exploring Feminism and Women’s Issues Transnationally: A Research Project on Contemporary Women’s Lives” “Addressing Global Feminism: Examining Current Efforts and Proposing Future Actions”

For this project, you will conduct research on the positions and lives of contemporary women around the world. Our goal is to think about feminism(s) transnationally, not just as a movement of women in the West. Toward that end, I would rather you NOT focus exclusively on women in the US and Western Europe unless you are making links to women in other parts of the world OR you can make a compelling case for why this specific group or culture merits a closer look. For example, if we don’t have a chance to examine Native American women in this class, I can imagine a project that would look at the struggle for women’s equality in a specific Native American culture/community. I offer a few suggested topics below, but you are also free to choose an issue or topic that is not on the list. There are a couple of links provided to explore other possibilities. You can also conduct your own search for International/Global women’s issues.  
This paper should be written in either MLA or APA style, and will take the form of a 6-8 page research paper or creative project (approximately 1500-2000 words). You must include at least 7 sources in a Works Cited page (media elements should also be cited appropriately and do not count towards this requirement), 2 of these sources must be from this course. 
Here is a list of sources from this course: (You must use 2 of these sources)

White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard to Talk to White People About Racism
Possible Topics:
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in African nations and cultures. 
Micro Loans 
The effect of the AIDS epidemic on women’s lives in Africa.
Sex (Human) trafficking in Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries.
Missing Women/The lack of value placed on girl children in China, India, and other nations.
Life after the Taliban for women in Afghanistan.
“Honor killings”
Matriarchal Cultures (i.e. China’s Mosuo)
The role of the veil in Islamic cultures; is it oppressive for women?
Positions of women in Latin America.
Child Brides
The lives of immigrant women in the US (choose a particular culture to examine).
Effect of global capitalism on women (i.e., the impact of Western companies moving into third world nations for cheap—and often female—labor
Here are a couple of websites where you can go for additional ideas and current information.
Project is professionally presented and well edited. (consistent formatting guidelines, MLA or APA, should be used for citations.) Includes a Works Cited page.
10 pts
Project is informed by research and includes at least 7 sources, 2 of which are from this course. Meets a 1500 word minimum.
10 pts
Project includes an engaging introduction. (Including a title.) Introduction gives a brief historical overview of the topic, a discussion of its current relevance, and a clear thesis or research question.
10 pts
Text is well organized and in paragraphs that take up various aspects of the thesis presented in the introduction, with no gaps in logic.
10 pts
A conclusion ties your ideas together and looks to the future. What is being done to address the topic you have examined? What are proposal for future action? How does this problem connect to other issues of global feminism?
This part of your project needs to include specific evidence (quotes, paraphrases) from at least five outside sources. The sources curated in your media assignment do not count towards this number. Use the library Research GuideLinks to an external site. to find books, journal articles, and newspaper articles, Internet research (though be sure to evaluate all websitesLinks to an external site. carefully for credibility), and field research (interviews with people who can provide you with important and credible information on this topic). 
You can see what your annotations should look like by clicking here (,Annotation%20Example,-Formatting%20Rules). Your bibliography should be in either MLA, APA, or Chicago formatting.