Womens health

Title: The Need for Improved Access to Maternal Healthcare for Women in Developing Countries Introduction: Maternal healthcare is a critical aspect of women’s health, as it encompasses the physical, emotional, and social well-being of women during pregnancy, childbirth

The introduction should introduce your topic (what is the problem, why it is a problem, the context in which you will write about it, your position on the problem). Follow academic guidelines for writing. In-text citation should be included to support your rationale. Be sure that your problem statement is clear. 
BACKGROUND (2 pages) 
The next section provides background information to support why the problem/topic is an issue in women’s health. The section should include a discussion of the importance of the topic. This section provides background information to support why the problem/topic is an issue in women’s health. The section should include a discussion of the importance. 
The proposed solution section provides the solution/s to the problem in women’s health that you have identified and presented in the introduction and the background. Be sure to provide feasible solutions. Describe how the solution would be implemented. Provide information about any cost (monetary or non-monetary) associated with the solution. Provide rationale as to why you believe proposed solution will work.
CONCLUSION (1 page) 
Write a conclusion in order to wrap up the white paper and enhance your readers’ understanding.

Womens health

Title: The Controversy Surrounding Abortion Access for Women

To successfully complete this assignment, student should:
select a controversial topic in women’s health or a topic that disproportionately impacts women (e.g., assisted reproductive technology, transwomen health issues, cross feeding/wet nursing, the legalization of sex work, abortion access, etc.)
Research the topic using a minimum of three reputable or peer reviewed articles (reputable sources include government websites and publications, reputable university websites, reputable community organization websites, etc.).
Compose a 2–4-page research paper (not including cover the page or reference page) discussing the topic. Students should include the research they conducted, and concepts discussed in class.
The paper should be in APA format, include a cover page, and reference page. 
The paper should be written using scholarly language and students should proofread the paper to ensure it is free of spelling and grammatical errors.