World mythology

Title: Exploring Sacred Sites and the Concept of Sacredness

Respond to the following two-part question in a minimum of 175 words:
Part 1: 
Click on the “Sacred Sites” link. Select a sacred place by clicking on one of the bubbles on the map. Keep looking until you find one that appeals to you. Write a few sentences (or more if you like) explaining why you liked this sacred site: Sacred Sites From Around the World. (Some, but not all of these sites can work for the Week Five Outline Summative.)
Part 2: 
Have you ever visited a place that can be considered sacred? Do you consider your experience there sacred? What is it that made the location sacred or not?
Can secular places and objects be sacred? Discuss why or why not. 
Attached are links to complete the assignment

World mythology

Title: Sacred Places in Mythology: Exploring the Significance of a Mythical Site and its Associated Objects

* Remember: this should be presented in outline form. Don’t respond in paragraphs broken up by topic headings, as if you were writing an essay. Present as an outline. Otherwise, you’ll lose points!
Create headings that explain which of the assignment topics the material you enter beneath the heading is addressing. 
Your headings should be:
Section 1: Mythological Origins, History and Functions of the place.
Section 2: Sacred objects, Attributes and Symbolism
Section 3: Significance of the place and objects in the minds of people;
Connections to mythological stories of the culture;
Role of place and objects.
The seventh-grade tour group is finishing their final visit to the library, where the librarian will be presenting on a sacred place in mythology. She will be letting the students, from outside of the culture, know what they should expect to find if they were to visit this mythical place. As the volunteer, the librarian has tasked you with creating an outline for her to review.
This assignment allows you to demonstrate how effectively you can explain the significance of sacred places in mythology (Course Learning Outcome #3).
Create an initial 525- to 700-word outline for your librarian to review.
For help with creating an outline see the “How to Create a Full-sentence Outline” activity Week Five, Course Content. 
Include the following in your outline:
· A sacred place in mythology
1)· An explanation of the mythological origins, history, and functions of the place
2)· A description of any sacred objects and attributes associated with the deities and mythological origins of this place and the symbolism of these objects as used by contemporary people and cultures (for example, Apollo’s snake and lyre or Buddha’s Bodhi tree)
3)· An explanation of the significance of this place and these objects that addresses the following:
· What importance do these places or things hold in the minds and emotions of the people?
· How do these places or things connect to mythological stories from that culture?
· What is the role of the place and the associated objects in the culture?
Include a reference page at the end of your outline. Use a citation generator, such as the Reference & Citation Generator in the Center for Writing Excellence, for guidance on formatting your reference list using APA format. Don’t worry about perfection. If you make a mistake, your faculty member can help, so please let your faculty member know if you have any questions.

World mythology

Title: Exploring the Similarities and Symbolism in Creation Myths Throughout history, different cultures and civilizations have developed their own unique creation myths to explain the origins of the world and humanity. Despite their varying details and specific beliefs, many of

Consider the creation myths you have read this week and then respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: 
Why do you think there are so many similarities in the various creation myths? 
Why, for example, are there so many flood myths? 
On a figurative level, how is water different from fire or earth? 
What do these myths teach us about the culture that created it? 

World mythology

Title: Exploring Mythology: A Comparative Analysis of Common Themes Across Cultures

You and your friend volunteer at your local library. You are planning a special program on mythology and its relevance in the modern world for a visiting group of seventh graders.
This assignment will allow you to demonstrate how effectively you can compare and contrast mythological themes common among various cultures (Course Learning Outcome #1). 
Write a 525- to 700-word student handout in which you answer the following questions: 
How is the word myth used in popular culture? For example, what does the statement, “It’s a myth” mean? In contrast, how is the word myth used in the academic context? 
What are the most common mythological themes across different cultures?  
Why do myths from different cultures around the world address such similar or universal themes? Think about how myths explain the unknown and the tribulations of humankind. 
What are creation myths, and what purpose do they serve? What similar themes appear in creation myths across cultures? 
Include a reference page at the end of your handout. 

World mythology

Title: The Enduring Influence of Mythology on Modern Society Mythology has been a fundamental aspect of human culture for thousands of years, and its impact can still be seen in modern society. Although many of the ancient myths may seem outdated

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: 
How does mythology continue to have an impact on modern society? 
Do myths continue to have value and provide moral lessons? Discuss why or why not using examples. 
In what ways do myths continue to influence modern popular culture? 
Do these myths play the same role in life today that they did in ancient times? Give examples. 

World mythology

The Hero’s Journey: A Path to Self-Discovery and Transformation In the video “The Hero’s Adventure” from THE POWER OF MYTH, Joseph Campbell discusses the concept of the hero’s journey and how it is present in various myths and

Write a detailed response to the Joseph Campbell “Hero’s Adventure” video (or chapter) in THE POWER OF MYTH.  
•1 – 2 pages in length – Four paragraphs in all.
•Summarize any three quotes or ideas from the video. One paragraph per point. Explain in detail.  If possible, relate to the class.
•In the fourth paragraph, relate one of the ideas in a meaningful way to your own life.  Be specific.
this is the link to the video :