
Assignment Title: The Aftermath of the Holocaust: Trials, Accountability, and Hope or Doom

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Discussion 1 – The Aftermath
Were the International Military Tribunals at Nuremberg and the Eichmann Trial held in Israel, anything more than “victor’s justice?”
When do you consider the statement of “just following orders” as valid and when is it not?
Use the information from the links in the mini lectures to discuss these questions. Don’t generalize; use the testimony and commentary from the defense and prosecution to support your point of view regarding each of these trial venues.
Discussion 2 – Accountability
Whom do we blame for what happened during the Holocaust? Should any one individual be totally held responsible for what occurred during WW II?
Is forgiveness or even reconciliation with Germany, and the German people possible? To help with this discussion consult Page 242 in the Landau text.
Put yourself in the position of a prisoner in a concentration camp. A dying Nazi soldier asks for your forgiveness. How would you respond upon hearing the soldier’s request?  In The Sunflower, Simon Wiesenthal raises that question for readers.
Discussion 3- Hope or Doom
Comment and discuss the poem written by Bertold Brecht on Page 265 in the Landau text.

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