Cyber crime

“Cyber Identity Theft: A Growing Threat in the Digital Age”

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Link that theory to a current event, movie, and docuseries. Support why your theory links to current event, movie, docuseries.  
You want to be sure to support your view with evidence (real world facts, examples, case studies) Cite any work that is not your own APA writing style format is required for this paper. NO OTHER FORMAT WILL BE ACCEPTED Also, include why the opposing side is wrong and you can do so by showing biases, in correct statements)    
You will not need to submit an abstract just a title and reference page. You will have a total of 5 pages (3 of actual research). Use topics pertaining to chapters and use quotes and paraphrasing appropriately, back up your views and opinions with research that supports claims.  
Your paper should feature: (1) a clear thesis statement (i.e., “In this paper I will argue…”); (2) key ideas of relevant articles/books/ sources that you find; (3) a clear, well -reasoned argument; (4) conclusion that recaps the main points of your argument.
Identity theft occurs when an individual assumes the
identity of a target by unlawfully obtaining 
and  using  the 
target’s  name,  Social 
Security  number  (SSN), 
bank  account  number, or other identifying information to
commit a crime. Cyberidentity theft involves using social engineering  tactics 
(i.e.,  tactics  designed 
to  deceive,  manipulate, 
and  ulti-mately trick users into
revealing information) and other methods to steal a wide variety of data for
subsequent criminal use, for example, to obtain goods and services in the
target’s name. Basically, cyberidentity thieves engage in identity theft using
new means, namely, the Internet and digital technology. Cyberidentity theft
enables criminals to commit iden-tity theft with greater efficiency—often
harvesting vast amounts of personal data, finan-cial  data, 
and  even  medical 
data  in  shorter 
periods  than  using 
traditional  means  (e.g., 
dumpster  diving  for 
discarded  mail  and 
documents  containing  personal 
information).  Identity theft  online 
and  offline  violates 
the  U.S.  Identity Theft  and 
Assumption  Deter-rence Act of
1998.Cyberidentity  theft  is 
costly.  The costs incurred  by 
victims  are  “lost 
wages,  medical  expenses and expenses . . .
[associated with] restoring the integrity of [the person’s] iden-t it y.”77
Victims may also be denied lines of credit, loans, and even credit cards.
Addition-ally, victims can suffer a bad credit rating, resulting in an increase
in the rates for credit cards and loans they seek. Individuals may further
experience secondary victimization as a 
result  of  cyberidentity 
theft.  The  impact 
a  victim  experiences 
is  directly  related  to 
the  victim’s ability to resolve
issues that arise with cyberidentity theft and the time it takes to resolve  them.78 
A  person  can 
also  experience  significant 
psychological  and  emotional 
harm if unable to quickly resolve the cost incurred from identity theft.
Maras, M.-H. (n.d.). Cybercriminology. Retrieved from

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