Diagnosis and Assessment

“Diagnostic Conceptualization and Diagnosis: A Case Study of Devon”

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American Psychiatric Association. (2022). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disordersLinks to an external site. (5th ed., text rev.).
Section II, “Feeding and Eating Disorders” 
Section II, “Sexual Dysfunctions”
Section II, “Gender Dysphoria” 
Section II, “Paraphilic Disorders” 
Section II, “Sleep-Wake Disorders” 
Kress, V. E., & Paylo, M. J. (2019). Treating those with mental disorders: A comprehensive approach to case conceptualization and treatment (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Pearson.
Chapter 11, “Feeding and Eating Disorders”
Chapter 15, “Sleep-Wake Disorders, Sexual Dysfunctions, Paraphilic Disorders, and Gender Dysphoria”
Walden University (Producer). (2020a). Completing a diagnostic conceptualization: The case of Devon [Interactive media]Links to an external site.. Walden University Canvas.
The process of diagnosis is complex. Clients may come to their first counseling session needing to vent about multiple areas in their lives, and they may not necessarily know what they need to share with a counselor to get a diagnosis. Counselors must listen to the client to understand a full picture of what may be going on. If a client says that they are having a hard time dealing with family, difficulty in relationships, not eating regularly, or not sleeping, counselors must know how to listen and ask questions that can pull more information needed for an accurate diagnosis.
This week, you put your skills to practice by conceptualizing a client’s presenting concerns and rendering a diagnosis. You will review the case of Devon, found in this week’s Learning Resources. Based on the case information, along with the DSM-5-TR resources, you will evaluate Devon based on possible symptoms he presents to diagnose potential disorders.
To prepare for the Assignment:
Review this week’s Learning Resources.
Review the Case of Devon in this week’s Learning Resources.
Download the Diagnostic Conceptualization Template from the media.
Review the handout, Jane: Diagnostic Conceptualization Example, provided in Week 3 to review the appropriate information to include in each section of the Diagnostic Conceptualization Template.
Review the expectations in the Rubric. 

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