Marriage and Family

“Exploring Family History, Identity, and Experiences through the Lens of Ethnicity, Social Class, and Gender”

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For this assignment, you will choose three (3) topics (e.g. ethnicity, race, culture, social class, sexuality, generation gender, religion, etc.) and explore how they have influenced your family history, identity, and experiences. If you do not feel comfortable exploring your own family history, feel free to utilize a family from a TV show, movie, video game, etc. Please keep in mind that you will be presenting on your topics as well, so if you do not feel comfortable sharing about your own family, choose a family from a media of choice. If you are using names, please keep the names of your family members anonymous. Either use the first letters of their first names or change their names. Also, please clearly state if you are utilizing your own family or a family 3 from a media of choice. You will email me your topics for approval by March 11th. You will gather information from your family members/media of choice and utilize your own experiences as a member of your family to explore your chosen topics. Please be sure to address the following questions in your paper: 
● Which three topics are you choosing to explore the family history, identity, and experiences of your family/family from media of choice? 
● Describe your family/family from media of choice. Include information about their ethnicity, race, culture, religion, social class, sexuality, gender, etc. Describe, if any, the differences in ethnicity, race, culture, religion, social class, sexuality, gender, etc. among family members. 
● How have your 3 topics of choice influenced your family history/family history from media of choice, identity, and experiences? Explore each topic. Utilize scholarly sources to support your points. 
● As mentioned, for this assignment, you will be speaking with family members/viewing media of choice to gather information about your family/media of choice. Please utilize 5 direct quotes from family members/media of choice and cite them according to APA standards. DO NOT use block quotes (quotes of 40 words or more). Use these quotes to support your topics of exploration. 
● Additionally, you will integrate a minimum of 5 scholarly sources published in the past 10 years to tie into your topic. The textbook DOES NOT COUNT as a scholarly source, but you may use it limitedly for defining concepts if need be. Use APA format. 8-10 pages (at least 2,000 words – double-spaced). 
● Please proofread your assignment before submitting it. Utilize the Writing Center if need be – make an appointment at ;
● Format: 1. Introduction 2. Body (Description of family of choice and claims based on chosen topics of exploration) 3. Conclusion

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