Humanities in the americas

“Exploring the Depths of Expression: A Close Reading of [Approved Work of Art or Literature]”

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The Analysis Paper is a focused research essay that performs a “close reading” of one of the approved works of art or literature from the course material.
Your essay should offer an analytical interpretation of a single work of art or a single work of literature by having a thesis about what that artifact seeks to express, how the artist or author accomplishes this expression formally, as well as the relevant historical context. 
Two credible outside sources are required.You may have more, although in a paper of this length, more than four will limit the possibility of clearly developing your own analytical voice and focusing on supporting your thesis. 
A note on sources: The provided course material does not count as an outside source.
Peer-reviewed sources are journal articles, books, and quality multimedia such as documentary films or educational videos from museums. Sources may be primary (such as a letter or publication by the artist him/herself) or secondary (such as scholarly criticism or historical research).
Paper Format
Any and all sources must be documented correctly using MLA citation.
MLA Style Guide
Note: If you reference any information and/or content from the Canvas reading pages, please make sure you include this citation in your references:
Masturzo, Holly. HUM2450: Humanities in the Americas. Florida State College at Jacksonville, 2022.
Plagiarism and academic dishonesty are not acceptable; consequences as detailed in the college’s student code of conduct fully apply, including failure of the assignment, and/or failure of the course, as well as possible additional disciplinary action.
The paper should be four to five pages, at least 800 words, no more than 1,250 words, and be typed, double-spaced in MLA format. Files must be uploaded in Word or PDF.
Note: This paper meets the requirements for the mandatory General Education assignment, required of all Humanities courses at Florida State College at Jacksonville.
This assignment will be checked for originality. 
This assignment requires a file upload submission. After reviewing the assignment instructions and rubric, as applicable, complete your submission by selecting the Start Assignment button next to the assignment title. Browse for your file, and remember to select the Submit Assignment button below the file to complete your submission. Review the confirmation annotation that presents after submission.
Need Help? View the Canvas Student Guide: How do I submit an online assignment?
This assignment is worth up to 200 total points or 20% of your overall class grade. Please use the Analysis Paper Rubric as a guide toward successfully completing this assignment. For information on viewing the rubric, refer to this Canvas Community Guide.
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