Emerging Technology Report

“Exploring the Impact of Emerging Technologies on Enterprise-Wide Strategic Decision Making: A Synthesis of Recent Articles and Critical Evaluation”

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Emerging Technology Report – Refer to the suggested technology topics list or select one of your own.   Find recent articles which provide information relating to your topic.  Prepare a report which synthesizes the material and explains why it is an important technology in terms of enterprise-wide strategic decision making.   Integrate strategic management issues discussed in this class in your analysis. ~ 1000- 2000 words 
·      Some possible information technology topics:  
Intelligent Agents
Cloud computing
Green computing
Big Data
Prescriptive Analytics
Machine Learning
Open source
Cybercrime and hacking
Neural Networks/Deep Learning
Agile Methodologies
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) 
Internet of Things (IoT)
Artificial Intelligence
·      Annotated bibliography:
Include as an addendum an annotated bibliography which contains a short summary (~3 sentences) of at least 4 articles.   
See Rubrics file (under Course Content) for grading criteria.    
Written report
Synthesis of findings.  Include critical evaluation of the technology’s value for making enterprise decisions.  
Annotated Bibliography
Include short summaries of at least 4 articles cited in the report as an addendum. 
Format and structure 
The report is well organized and uses grammatically correct and complete sentences that are free of spelling errors.

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